Chapter Sixteen: Training (1/2)

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~~~one day later~~~

Lucy's POV.

Me and Natsu,  Erza, Gray, Happy and Wendy were in the Forest near the Sakura Tree park, about a good few kilometers from it. Team B already left the guild hall and went to the beach to practice their magic. Two days left until the games, and I need to find a way to tell Natsu about Kiminari. He and her are close friends and all but as her friend he needs to know about her- and be wary about her.

"Hey, Natsu?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I need to tell you something," I said. Happy glided behind me and hovered.

"You loooooove him~!" Happy cooed mockingly.

"Shut up that got old too quick!" I yelled.

"Hah, I'm surprised nobody here got used to it yet," Natsu smirked, then he added in a whisper. "I barely have..."

"What did you say?" Happy asked with a question mark over his head.

"Uh, I said that it's pathetic how nobody got used to it," Natsu said with a sweat drop on his head.

I heard his muttering but Erza and Gray didn't. The veins on their heads throbbed in anger as Erza grabbed a sword out of a magic circle while a magic circle appeared over Gray's hand and an ice melee formed. (It was at this moment... Natsu knew... He fucked up. Sorry I just had to)

"NATSU DRAGNEEL, PREPARE TO DIE!" They both yelled and charged at him.

Natsu's horrified expression said "o shit" as he ran away from them with fire at the back of his throat as he screamed and ran away from them. Wendy ran after them.

"Well there goes my opportunity..." I sighed and watched the three mages disappear into the forest.

"Opportunity? For what?" Happy asked, his wings disappearing in a small magic circle as he landed on the ground.

"Well I guess since your his friend you can tell him, can you do that?" I asked.

"Aye sir!" Happy cheered. Would it kill him to say "Yes ma'am" or "Okay" every once in a while? Jesus Christ this cat is annoying. He might even bend my words when he tells Natsu about Kiminari. But this had to be my only chance since Natsu listens to Happy and not much to me.

"Fine. I need you to tell him to meet me by the Sakura tree by sunset, I have to tell him something important about the newest FairyTail member," I said.

"Okay, but are you sure that you aren't gonna confess your love to him while your there?" Happy asked teasingly.

"I don't like him, dammit!" I screeched, my face was boiling with blush. Happy had that little troll face of his on while smirking. Well shit this isn't gonna be good...

"Okay, I'll tell him and I will totally  ignore the fact that your blushing like a tomato right now!" Happy smirked. Dammit why can't I control my face color?!

"Please don't Happy, I'm begging you!" I pled. "He needs to know this, it's crucial and it might effect his life!"

Happy turned from teasing to serious in an instant. "How does this concern his life, Lushee?" He demanded. "If it's something that can kill him then I have the right to know as his friend!"

It shocked me how serious and commanding he sounded. "I will tell you with Natsu, and remember to tell him to meet me at the Sakura Tree." I replied.

"Oii, what are you guys talking about?" came a familimar voice. I turned to look and saw Wendy, Erza and Gray come out with burn marks all over their bodies with an unconscious Natsu in tow.

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