Chapter four

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Finally school is over . I went to my locker to get all my things to go home with lauren and Derek. Senior year can't it just be fun who cares about grades now I mean colleges aren't really looking at,them now. Their looking at the previous ones. To my luck I was considered a "nerd". But I didn't felt that way , I get A's an B's maybe a C once in a while.

Im pretty upset that I'll have to walk alone tomorrow , sports isn't really my thing. I bet I would suck at it. I packed my bag. I had a lot of things going on in my minds. Homework. Lauren. School. Lauren. Bus fare. Lauren. Studying. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren.LAUREN! Why is she stuck in my head? Why am I having feelings for her? Im nothing but a ugly teen going through lots of stuff. Lauren. See there it is again! Lauren is always in my mind. I wonder if she thinks of me as much as I do of her? Probably not. She's too busy thinking about ZAC.

Suddenly I feel someone putting their hands on my eyes. I wonder,who it can be? I have so much friends I can barely keep up. (the sarcasm in this I can barely keep up).

-guess who?

C: is it jack?

-uh no hello girl voice

C: lauren .. I know it's you love

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. Gently . I felt the warmth in between us. This feeling was amazing. Maybe mutual? Doubt it. I turn around and see lauren . She looked...

L: what are you doing camz? Here come

She reached her hand . I gladly grabbed it.

L: Derek is waiting for us Camzi.

C: yeah yeah im ready.

We walked out and we were still holding hands. ME AND LAUREN ARE FUCKING HOLDING HANDS! Calm down Camila calm down. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN...

D: you two seem happy

L: why wouldn't I be?

D: who's house are we going to?

L: my Mom is out working. Chris is probably at practice and Taylor with her friends

C: Laurens house it is

We walked. I was pretty tired I was still holding Laurens hand. I was happy. Derek was staring at us in a funny way but who cares we're best friends . I really wanted to be more than friends but it's just how it is.

L: camz you should give it a try stay tomorrow with me

C: oh no lauren I won't even try IM so clumsy it's unbearable you from all people know

D: Hey and me?

C: and Derek haha

L: it's cuz you don't want you walking alone

C: don't worry about Me I'll just tell my Mom to pick me up

L: I'll just have to tell coach I cant make it

C: huh why?

L: I have to walk with someone home

D: Aw you two

L: DEREK !?!?

C: lolo no

I grabbed her other hand and looked at her. She was taller so I put my head a little up and said

C: you want this. I couldn't live knowing I held you back from something you want to try. It wouldn't be easy

She smiled and looked up. She was looking down when I was telling her the words. I couldn't help notice how red I must have looked after I saw lauren blushing. She actually blushed in my words. But what did I say? Was it the holding of hands?

L: fine you win this time cabello

C: won't be the last time I win

As we walked lauren and Derek we're "arguing" on who can run more miles . Lauren says she can beat him because in volleyball you don't run AS much but Derek disagrees. I was silent I didn't even know how to play a sport. Maybe soccer but I would suck. Derek went another way after fifteen minutes, he lives two blocks away from us. So lauren and I were alone. May I say FINALLY . Derek is amazing but I really wanted to be alone with lauren.

C: your excited huh

L: yeah. I've always wanted to do sports but..

C: but.. ?

L: I've been too scared. What if I sucked. Or what if I don't make the team? What if I suck so bad I'm stuck with Jv?

C: oh lauren. Your not going to suck. I've never seen you suck at anything... I mean anything. Remember when we were little and my parents got my Mario Kart?

L: haha how can I forget I beat your ass !

C: see and it was your first time playing the fucking game. You'll be fine

L: thanks. I would GO to your place but I need to find an outfit. Care to join?

C: sure I'll be there in a sec im going to change.

L: kk I'll be waiting.

I went to my house calmly. But as soon as I entered I went running upstairs. I was so happy. Gosh I should calm the fuck down. I put on some short shorts and a V-neck. At our school we wear uniforms. Total bummer. I walked to her house calmly, well I tried to. I called her and in a rush she opened the door.

L: finally camz I was waiting for ya

She pulled me in. We went upstairs to her room. Out in get bed laid three outfits.

Outfit#1: black shorts and a black V neck

Outfit#2: Sweats and a over sized sweater

Outfit#3: black short shorts. Ones girl volleyball players use and a tight blue shirt .

L: well I'll try the first one out

C: ok I'll go out call me when..

L: camz stay who cares

I stayed. Slowly she took off her shirt. She was doing a little dance to take off her shirt. Then she took off her skirt. She was still in her uniform. She turned around smiling. She was in her bra and underwear. I was dieying to touch. She came closer to me. Her leg was touching mine. I wanted to touch so bad. I looked up at her.

L: so I'll try the ?

C: the second outfit is a no. You'll get tired easily and won't beat Derek. Try out the first one it the last one.

She put on the first outfit. It fit her good. As she put the third one I loved how it looked at her. It,was amazing. It showed her curves so perfectly. And her boobs. What the fuck Camila? Their you go again!!

L: which one was the best?

C: I like the last one

L: I was going for that one too. Thanks camz

In her bra and underwear she hugged me. I hugged back . I wanted to put my hands lower . I pulled away if her family saw this it would be the end of me coming here.

L: right I should put My clothes back hehe unless you like it like this?

C: ....

L: kidding Camila! I'm putting then on

C: good idea hehe

Bad idea. I wanted to see her Like this more often . If I where to describe her body in one word it would be










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