Chapter 15

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Camila POV

    My whole world turned around when Lauren said Zac hits her and basically raped her. Unless she was into it to , but that's not my point. My point is that Lauren was hurt and that hurts me. I just want to tell her how I feel about her but I don't want anymore "drama". I think she has enough. Lauren looked so ashamed of what she did. It wasn't her fault that this happened. I should have told her my feelings for her.

*ring ring ring*

Camila: Hello?

Mrs. Cabello: where are your Karla? do you know what time it is? I'm leaving in an hour 

Camila: wait so you are leaving me dad and sofi?

Mrs. Cabello: Its for your own good sweetie

Camila: my oown good! you know what fine leave i wont discuss with you anymore

Mrs. Cabello: fine then bye

Camila: Mama wait... I love you

   It was too late she hung up. First Lauren now my mom. I don't think this day can get any worste. I started to cry. Lauren looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy because of the crying. she came up to me and hugged me. I felt such a warm comfort. Derek just smiled and said "everything will be alright" Lauren kissed me on the cheek . I smiled. She was the most beautiful person there can ever be.

        Oh how I wish I can tell her how I truely feel . Maybe she feels the same way. She did kinda changed in front of me and she also smacks my ass sometimes. she also ... But I just assume everything. Camila You have to tell her sooner or later 

Lauren: Camz .. I'm so sorry boo. If you want i can sleep with you tonight

Camila: you would?

Lauren: yeah why not that's what best friends are for right?

Camila: yeah 

Derek: sorry guys I have to go my mom has been texting me non stop to go home

Lauren: it's ok Derek you can go

Camila: yeah I'll stay with Lo

Derek: thanks guys see ya later

  Derek stepped out of the room. There was complete silence for a while. I kinda felt awkward. We were still in the hugging position. I had stopped crying before I would wake up with swollen eyes in the morning or everyone would know my mom left for good. Lauren Turned my head around and stared at me and smiled.

Lauren: don't cry boo let me wipe does tears

Camila: *sigh*

Lauren: you know what we should do 

Camila: *nodded head*

Lauren: we should run away with Derek and Travis. make our own living you know? This is such a fucked up place

Camila: I get you but we have no money

Lauren: Bullshit I can get a job

camila: hehe its sounds great to me Lo

 She stared at me and we stayed like that for a while. Her eyes were so pretty. She leaned closer . We were inches apart from each other. Then she kissed me. I widened my eyes in shock, but after a while I gave in and kissed her back. Soon enough we let go because of the lack of air between us.

Lauren: shit sorry Camz

Camila: no it's alright I have been waiting for that my entire life

Lauren: wait what?

Camila: I have to tell you something Lo

Lauren: what happened boo?

Camila: but promise me that what I say won't change our friendship. I don't want you to just do this if we ever become to be just to make me happy ok

Lauren: Camz Camz your worring me

Camila: You see Lauren. I have had this feeling in me for quite some time. I love you ok! Not the oo bff type I guess I kinda love you more than that. I have been keeping this secret as long as I remember. So when you kinda went out with Zac it just broke my heart and I realized I will never call you mine. It hurts Lauren because he hurt you and when your hurt it hurts me. I can't stand 

  She quickly came close to me and crashed our lips together. I was enjoying the moment She began putting her hands under my shirt.. I let out a moan and that;s when she insert her tongue. Why was she doing this? Isn't she straight?

Lauren: you liked that huh (she said is a raspy voice)

Camila: mhmm

Lauren: why didn't you tell me sooner . I had feelings for like that but you kinda never showed yours. I did talking about your big ass how pretty you are. Why camila?

Camila: I was scared 

Lauren: Scared of what Camz

Camila: that if i told you , our friendship would change but for the worst

LAuren: does it look like it's going for the worst?

Camila: umm No

Lauren: Good now come with me we need some sleep

Camila: ok 

Lauren: tomorrow is going to be a big day babe

Camila: Babe?

Lauren: too fast?

 Camila: nope I have been waiting for this my whole life babe

  That was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Lauren migt really want to be my girlfriend. Gosh Camila why were your so stupid and not tell her sooner . Maybe she wouldn't even had went with Zac or even laid eyes on him. 

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