Chapter 21

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Camila POV

Lauren: He did what !?!?!
Camila: please Lo just don't No more problems
Lauren: Hello he has to pay. I'm done with him
Camila: I didn't accept the offer isn't that enough?
Lauren: oh no I have a plan
Camila: a plan... For what?
Lauren: revenge duh
Camila: Lo revenge never solves anything
Lauren: It is today. So your going to accept the offer. I'll get back with him
Camila: what huh?
Lauren: easy so once a while passes .....
Camila: what's wrong?
Lauren: As much as I try....try to move on I can't....
Camila: Lauren just leave it . I wouldn't have accepted it anyways
Lauren: it's just that... I want him to suffer as much as I did

    That's when it hit me. This is my chance to tell her to be with me. If she's with me , it would be the greatest revenge ever. Zac would be humiliated that he turned a straight girl into a lesbian. But wouldn't it look bad on me?

Lauren.: what's up Camz... That's your thinking face
Camila: well you see I kinda have A plan
Lauren.: spill it

   So I told her the plan. She kept nodding. Her smile when bigger and bigger. Her eyes wider. She looked so happy. but I wasn't. She would go with me but for revenge. But Hey that's what friends are for right. I know we kissed and all but maybe it was all a joke maybe she was doing it for sympathy.
Lauren: That's perfect Camz. I'm officially texting Zac that it's no.joke were.over
Camila: great Lo
Lauren: There. Now that we're officially "dating" What do you wanna do?
Camila: kiss hug you make you feel loved
Camila: we should call Derek and Travis and tell them what's going on
Lauren: ok then we should drive and surprise them at Dereks apartment.

   We walked downstairs. We we're along at my house. Sofi was at a friends house for a play date. My dad working more than usual since the miss falling with the bitch I sadly call a mother. I gran my keys and lauren decided to drive. The while car ride was just lauren talking on our "relationship" how the plan was the."greatest thing ever!" I just nodded and ocassionaly added some yeahs and yups. I was dieying on the inside but yet happy. I'm not sure how that is. I was with the girl I've been wanting.for ever, but she didn't feel the same did she?

*A/N sorry I have updated I've been pretty busy . I have finals soon so.I might not update as usual. Sorry it's short. It's like 11pm and I woke up at 7am to start my boring day! Well.hope you liked. vote and comment suggestions love y'all*

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