Chapter 42

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Camila PIV

Gosh where am I?  My head hurts. What time is it? My dad is going to kill me if it's late! I went out? Lauren... Lauren!? Where is she? Get up Camila. 

Zac: Well well look who woke up

Camila: Lo?

Zac: Now now don't worry about your.. well My lauren I think you should worry about your sister. ahh whats her name Sofi?

Camila: What did you do to her!

 I Looked around me. I was tied up for sure. It was dark. I didn't see Zac anywhere. I tried to get up but it was no use. 

Zac: well I left the little punk alone would't want to scare the little brat. I was generous for once

Camila: Generous? Being so generous huh? Get me out of here . Where is my Lauren?


Zac: I could be generous for such little time.

Camila: Oh the says the bitch

   I didn't hear Zac reply. Did I just fuck things up even more? I Looked around to see if I see anyone there no sign of anything. Suddenly a bright light went on my face. It caused me to scrunch up. I try to rearrange my eyes to see. I look up only to see Lauren with Zac. They were holding hands wait why? A video starts to play. I see Lauren sitting in the corner of the bed. What is going on? I See her getting a little scared. I start to tense up. I tried to get up but to get pulled back by a some person. I try to look back but they made me sit down.

 Camila: I am not watching this .

  I closed my eyes. I hear Lauren begging for help, No one answered.

Zac: I suggest you open you eyes Camila. Things could just get worse. 

 I opened my eyes. He was Holding Lauren in a position were she was getting hurt loads. She looked so desperate for help. The video started playing again. I see Zac going on top of Lauren. She starts to laugh in the video , joking to stop. He began to touch her kiss her more and more roughly. She tried to stop him. Things got more and more serious. He pulled down her pants . She whispered" Zac please no" He ignored her and once he was about to the video stoped. I could hear Lauren crying and asking Zac to stop. It only caused me to feel  angry and with tears in my eyes. The video played again. Lauren was in the bed sheets on top of her. Her eyes were very watery and Zac was talking to her reassuring her it was safe. She nodded and looked down. He opend the door and left. Lauren looked like so mad and angry in it. She began to put her clothes again. She hoped out of the bed and jumped out of the window. 

Zac: Camila... I had her first

Camila: But she enjoyed it with me and you can't accept the fact that she will never love you like she loves me 

Zac: Lies! Want to see your precious Lauren? There is going to be some little plan that will work out just right

Camila: I obviously want to see her. The plan itdepends. How about you give me Lauren, leave us alone too and we dont tell anyone what happed

Zac: Turn on the lights. Camila I hope you had a great stay here but now you have to go


*Here is the chapter. sorry i didnt update. I am just going through loads and I still cant find out how to manage myself. Hope you like it. Vote comment 

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