Chapter 14

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Lauren POV

    It's been two months . Two fucking months I can't hold this in any longer. I have been really depressed lately and it is started to show. Camila and Derek are starting to notice. Camila especially. I have started to not necessary got addicted to smoking because of Zac but  I'm getting there. I haven't smoked in two days and it's klilling me. I know I should stop but i just can't. I also started cutting. I haven't cut myself since i was in the fucking 7th or 8th grade . Zac has left me some bruises and are started to go away. But I'm stuck with the horrible memory and that will never go away.

    On the brighter side Derek has come out Gay. He has a cute boyfriend named Travis. He is a freshman in College. I hope they last and society doesn't kill them . Their like the most adorable couple ever! I decided to text Derek and Camila to come over , I will die if I don't tell the truth behind Zac. 


ME: Hey guys come to my place I have to tell u sumtin 

Derek: on my way 

Camila: already here lolo

  I went downstairs as said Camila was there looking very beautiful. More than beautiful she was looking HOT! Woah what was that Lauren getting to carried away there.

Camila POV 

 Finally Lauren texted first. I kinda felt like I was getting annoying with the text calls . Derek on the other hand always texted me . I'm so happy that he is with his new boyfriend Travis. He's a cute guy but I like girls . hehe Lauren looked sad I wonder whats up. Did zac and lauren break up!!?!?!!! I should'nt be happy that wouldnt be the friendly thing to do. So should I lie and be sad that it's over and thats worste isn't it?

Lauren:  Damn Camz ya look hot were where you going to

Camila:  nowhere just looking good for a friend

  With that I felt my face turn red and blush. I still can't believe she's straight. And your wondering why I fell for her . It's obviosu now isn't it?


Derek: oh shut it Jauregui it's only been 15 minutes I was with Travis

Lauren:  awww 

Derek:  yeah yeah so whats up oh hey Mila 

Camila  oh he..

Lauren POV

Its your chance Lauren tell them . We went up to my room. I stared playing the radio "The only Exception " was playing Camila's eyes lit and turned to me. I confusedly smiled she smiled back. 

Lauren: I need help guys 

Camila:  whats wrong lo?

derek:  yeah were here for you

Lauren: God how do I put this..( I started to cry) Well Zac wasn't the guy I thought he was..

Derek: Did that fucker cheat on you? If so fuck him Lo your way hotter than what he will ever get

Camila: Yeah forget him

Lauren:  I think that would have been easier to handle. Remember that party I went to that Derek met Travis? We kinda had sex

Derek:  no Lauren you better not be pregnant!

Lauren:  thank god the idiot was smart enough to use a condom. I was a little drunk that night. He was hugging me ,kissing me, saying how great i was. We went into a room were it was only me and  him and  ( started to cry even more) he kinda wanted to have it I did at first but then I didn't I knew I would have made a mistake . I told him to stop he didnt listen to me he kept goin. Then when i wanted to tell you guys he said He took pictures and video. And...( I was bawling now..)

Camila: ( her voiced cracked) and what..

  Derek's face was furious. I didn't want him to do anything stupid ever. Especially to Zac who has basically has an army protecting him

Lauren:  he began hitting me. And which led me to .... cutting again..... and smoking.... I stopped smoking I havent done that in  two whole weeks! It's killing me to wanna smoke!

Derek:  That fucker! You two stay here I'm going to show him not to mess with Lauren or any girl!

Lauren:  No!!! Derek NO!! if he finds out i told anyone he is going to put the pictures online!

Derek:  how do you know he isn't just talking shit. I bet he didn't even fucking take the pictures and videos . HE hasn't shown you has he?

Lauren:  no *sigh*

derek:  I wont do anything Lo just promise me your over him and Leave him break up with him yeah?

camila:  Lauren please leave him it breaks my heart hearing this Lo I love you. You know that right?

Lauren:  yeah I love you too and I promise I'll try tommorow

Derek:  please Lauren it's for your own good . 

* Hey loves what you think? Should Camila tell her Lauren her love for her is just more than friends? Should Derek beat Zac or atleast try to? Comment your suggestions below ! Keep voting. Inbox me questions , concerns, or if you just want to talk whenever  love ya'll !!!!!!!!!!  *

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