Chapter 13

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Camila POV

Camila: wait woah what !

Derek: I knew you were going to react like that i shouldn't have . God ........ Now you wont want to be my friend.. My best friend

Camila: C'mon Derek. I know I can be a bitch sometimes but hell no never leaving you

Derek: Thanks Mila 

Lauren: Why did you only tell me?

Derek: You see umm I went to that party Lauren went to

Camila: Oh well then . TFTI!!! Just kidding

Derek: Well I went with this guy... and

Camila: That's how you found out you were...

Derek: Gay... Yeah. Don't treat me diffrent ok Mila. 

Camila: of course not boo. Your secrets safe with me but you know I can't lie to Lolo right

Derek: yeah I know. I'll tell her as soon as I see her

Camila: Promise?

Derek: Yeah I promise


 I should have told Derek that I was Bi. Or gay Lesbian whatever . I'm so confused. Am I really in love with my BEST FRIEND! That can't be possible can it? I should call Lauren no call Derek and tell him to come over ...... And tell him. And if you do Camila, He would ask you who you like! how did you find out you became .......Get it together Camila. I should tell him . He was brave enough to tell me , I will tell him. Plus he trusts me , shouldn't I trust him back? I should right?

Lauren POV:

  Think clearly Lauren. Zac is just bringing you trouble, anxiety, sadness, and depression. Just break up with him. But people would say I'm stupid for breaking up with the hottest guy in school! Who gives a fuck about what they say? That sounded much like Camila. I miss her. I shouldn't have lied. 

*Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz*

Zac <3 xx: Hey Lauren I wanna see you it's been to long babe xx

Me: missed you too but i dont know if its a good time

Zac <3 xx:: wat do u mean ? when i wanna c u its when i wanna

What the fuck were you thinkinh Lauren his grammer is so horrible. Well it is texting 

Me: I cant im with camz and derek

Zac <3 xx:  dont fuckin lie ! i c u in ur room u bitch

Me: listen dont u dare text or even worste talk to me like dat or..

Zac <3 xx: or what? poor lauren is going to run and tell? Well if u dont u fucker ur photos will be everywhere!

Me:  y r u doin this ?

Zac <3 xx: wat datin u ? idk i just love the way u walk ;)

 He did not just want to qoute One Direction. Oh camila i need help!

Me: just wat do u want

Zac <3 xx:: u only u

ME: where 

Zac <3 xx: sneak out of ur house

Me: they'll c me !

Zac <3 xx:: who ur poor mom or worste Camila? Derek?

Me: dont b stupid Derek isn't my nieghbor

Zac <3 xx:: shut up n come ou!

Me: u know what no 

  Fuck him. I'm not going downstairs. I turned off my phone and went to take a shower. I knew he would get mad but seriously I was drunk that night. I never wanted to loose my virgnity with him. Well maybe before but no not him . What was I thinking !! Camila was right he wasn't that good. and there is better. 

Lauren :  ahhh what the fu.

Person:  shhhh you'll wake up your parents

Lauren: what the fuck Zac no is no!

Zac:  ya know your sexier bad 

Lauren:  shut the fuck up and leave

* Slap !!!*

Zac:  I suggest you shut the fuck up before things get worste



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