Chapter 20

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Camila POV

  What the fuck was that!?! Did Lauren actually do this to me? Is she just joking around or fooling me? Is she trying to play me? I dont what she's doing but it's such an amazing feeling. I don't want to get all weird but it's true. I couldn't stand waiting after softball practice. Lauren looked so hot in that outfit. She kept giving me the "eye". She has to be joking with me right? How can she get so sad over a guy and then look at me in that way! Is she trying to move on... with me? No Camila stop overeacting to this. She is just playing . She has done this before right .. I mean we're best friends!

Coach Greg: Cabello What are you doing !

Camila: Umm .. sorryy.. I

Lauren: give her a break coach she's new to this

Coach Greg: ok then but next time don't think your going to be lucky that little Ms. Jauregui is going to be here understood?

Camila: umm.. yes.. Yes coach ok then . LADIES GIVE ME ONE MORE LAP AND YOU CAN LEAVE

*groans from the team everywhere*

Coach: DO you want it to be 4 laps!?!?

   Everyone started their one lap around the feild and didn't complain. I was so tired. I haven't played like this since I was in Elementry school . This was a work out! Lauren came close to my ear after we did the lap and told me

Lauren: You should be lucky. I don't usually do that. Especially knowing that you were totally checking me out Camz

Camila: I..uh,..

Lauren: don't worry. This can be our little secret but not for too long . I can't keep secrets like this ;)

Camila: Lo what is this?

Lauren: what

Camila: this me and you . I feel weird i .. just

Lauren: Don't worry as soon as I can finally get Zac off my back . We can be

Camila: ....

Lauren: lets go and change we're sweaty

Camila: ok 

LAUREN: and Camz .. Thanks.. For everything

Camila: No problem Lo

    I walked to the water fountain before the showers. Right now it would be very full. I look up and I see him..........

Camila: excuse me 

Zac: We need to talk Camila

Camila: make it fast

Zac: Stay away from Lauren

Camila: You can't make me! we're best friends hello!

Zac: I know your in love with her Camila . It's so fucking obvious!

Camila: I gotta go

Zac: No No No lets just say that I know were your mom is

Camila: Duh she's at home

Zac: Poor poor poor Camila! You think I live in a shell? She left you and your dad and sister

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