Chapter 38

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  Lauren POV

Lauren to Camila via txt: Hey babe lets go out today! :* its the least I can do

Camila to lauren via text: Sure babe :* xx

lauren to CAmila via text: Lets say 8ish

Camila to lauren via text: i'll be waiting here real patient wow that was lame lol

Lauren to Camila via Text: Lol babe c ya soon

  Oh gosh what am I going to get Camz? I knew I shoudn't have waiting this long, Lauren your such an idiot. I went to the mall, hoping to find something good.I wasn't really good at shopping. I never really liked it either, I much rather have someone buy it for me and let it be a surprise. But I had to do this for Camila it's the least I can do for the love of my life , as cheesy as it sounds. went to Forever 21. I wish I could buy everything here. I went to the cashier. I showed her a picture of Camila and said

Lauren: what do you think would look good in her?

Cashier: Your best friend?

Lauren: haha yeah my best friend

Cashier: oh hehe well from the looks of it her style you should buy her some high waisted shorts. It'll please you and your girl.

Lauren: oh thanks!!

  She giggled and i went running to find something that would suit Camila. I the worste shopper in the world can't make up my mind. I went throughout the whole store. I saw these cute shorts . I went and tried to find a shirt that may ,match it. I sighed in fustration.

Cashier: Need help huh?

Lauren: oh umm yeah please! I suck at this shopping thing  that's why i leave it to my girl

Cashier: well let me see your shorts I may have the thing 

   She went out to the back. I checked my phone and I see its almost 7. I want to make this christmas good for Camila. It has been a rough year. She came back with the most cutest shirt ever

Cashier:Here it's on me now go see your girl

Lauren: Oh my your dont have too

Cashier: no its ok. Now go be happy 

 I hugged her and left . I was walking through the mall and saw the most gorgeous necklace ever. I went in the store. The guy looked and me and laughed

Guy: May I help you?

Lauren: yes you can actually...  um.. How much is this?

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