Chapter 19

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Lauren POV

    Five more minutes and school was over. I just wanted to go home. I'm so nervous for softball. What if Coach Greg doesn't like me! What if I'm not good enough! I haven't played volleyball since Freshman year. Ugh I was stuck in French class alone. Derek and Camila both had English class. I was bored out of my mine. Lucky me I had Zac in that class. 

* Ring Ring RIng*

     Finally, I went rushing out of the room when someone pulls me back in the room. I dont know why I closed my eyes. For some reason I did. Suddently someone's lips crashed into mine. The person held on to my hips. I still had my eyes closed. The person pulled back. I opened my eyes . Why did I let that happen?

Zac: Loved that huh ?

lauren: shut up Zac we're over. O.V.E.R

Zac: Lauren I don't think you understand how this works. *he laughed* I start and end it. No one breaks up with me

Lauren: Well let me be the first

    He pulled me and hurt my arm.

Lauren: Zac!! that hurt!!

Zac: I've hit your worste now listen you bitch. I don't want you saying that we're over or I'll

Derek: or you'll what ? what are you going to do huh?

Lauren: Derek please no leave

Derek: Hell no Lauren! This guy needs to leave you the fuck alone!

Lauren:*whisper* Travis please help me

Travis: He's right Lauren. He shouldn't be doing this!

Zac: Now now listen to the lady. You gay ass motherfuckers

Derek: THAT"S IT!!!

* Punch Punch*     Punches were coming back and forth. It was obviious Derek could kill him. I ran towards them to stop, But Travis held me back. How is this happening especially in a classroom!   Camila: Lo i was ... DEREK!!! Stop!!!!!!!  

Derek: Who's the motherfucker now you ass. You better fucking leave Lauren alone!! When someone sayd it's over it's fucking OVER. Got me

  Zac: Fuck you Lauren. Ya all going to pay for this  

Travis: C'mon lets go    

  I grabbed Camila's hand and ran out of the room and pulled her into a restroom stall. I waas crying. When she put her hand around me , I was bawling. She held me close patting my back. I just wanted to die right there. If i were to die it would be ok.

  Camila: Lo.... boo   

Lauren: why ..... why does this happen Camz? Why can't this have been... i'm so stupid I should have listened to you talking crapa about him.... Why am I so stupid  

Camila: Don't say that Lo it breaks my heart ...C'mon cheer up.. You have to make the softball team for me.  

Lauren: I'm not staying fuck softball

Camila: Stop Lauren dont let him get in your way on doing what you want. Get over Zac

Lauren: I....I..

Camila: If it makes you feel any better I'll try out for softball too

Lauren: would!?

Camila: anything for you Lo      

Lauren: i think i have an extra pair of clothes in my locker 

      We ran to my locker. Practice started in five minutes and we had to go all the way to the softball field which is like a block from school. I gave Camila the shorts and an extra shirt and we ran to the car,

Lauren: shoot Camz just change in the car

Camila: .........

lauren: c'mon if you want us to work I have to see you anytime soon like this

Camila: ............

Lauren: If it makes any diffrence I'll help you

Camila: ok... I need so much help Lo

Lauren: oh really?

Camila: mhm

       I pulled camila's shirt up and she was in her bra. She started to turn red. But I reasured her. Then I seducively pulled down her zipper and finally took off her pants. she was so gorgeous. She was more red than before.I then dressed her up for practice. I came up and whispered in her ear

Lauren: It's ok Camz.. I only wanted to help

Camila: Your helping me too little Lo

Lauren: Oh really. I'll help you all you want after softball practice

Camila: I don't think I can wait that long

Lauren: dont worry its just an hour 

Camila: I'll try

Lauren: c'mon we're going to be late

* Hey sorry I havent updated for a while I had to handle some stuff. So i think the final name for Derek and Travis is doing to be Davis. well have a good Sunday, well whats left of it. I might update in a while or until tmrw. Keep voting and commenting love y'all xx*

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