Chapter 41

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  The two girls drove back to Camila's. The car ride was filled with occasional smiles and sighs. Camila couldn't help the fact that she will see her mother again. She was really nervous, but yet wanting to see the one who brought her into this world. She got her phone out and went on twitter. Lauren looked over

Lauren: You ok?


Camila: yeah, just going through twitter

Lauren: anything up?

Camila: No ..... not really

Lauren: you should call

Camila: huh?

  They arrived to Camila's house.

Lauren: call you dad. to see if he is cool with it.

Camila: I'll just tell him when I get home.... Lo?

lauren: yeah?

Camila: Can you stay over?

Lauren: sure camz.

  The two walked hand in hand to Camila's house. It was pretty late. Sofi was in bed and Camila's father as well. The front porch was the only light on in the house. Camila unlocked the door and smack!

Lauren POV

Lauren: Camila!!!!!!

Person: I suggest you come with me if you don't want to end up like her.

Lauren: Seriously what do you want!! She isn't apart of this! Zac!! Stop please

Zac: Not until you come back with me

Lauren: Why the fuck will I go back with you?

Zac: Easy. You still love me

Lauren: Me and you both know I am with Camila now

    He stepped closer to me. He held my waist and went near my neck. He began to place kisses . Until he reached my lips. I pushed him and slapped him. He laughed. He grabbed me and pushed me out. Two other guys came out of nowhere. 

Zac: Get the girl on the floor take her where the sister is

Lauren:  Zac! pleas no not sofi!!

Zac: You should of thought of that before

LAuren: The little girl has nothing to do with anything!

  He grabbed me and pushed me until we reached the van he got me last time. He tied me up and covered my head with a bag. He pushed me and hit me and knocked out.


Zac: Drive now ! fast . Now they will know to mess with us 

*Well sorry for the long wait. Heres it. Hope your like it. Keep voting and comment love y'all *

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