Chapter 17

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Derek POV

Travis: are you sure?

Derek: I'm fucking positive . If that ass thinks he can go off and hit girls like that then he is sadly mistaken!

Travis: but if you get hurt..

Derek: shhh.. calm down babe nothings going to happen you trust me ?

Travis: yup 

Derek: come here if anything happens

Travis: please don't 

Derek: but if it does.... I love you

Travis: I love you too

   I hugged Travis. He was crying I didn't know what to do I wasn't an emotional person I'm just plain. So I lifted his chin looking at him. He smiled at me . He had the most beautiful grey eyes ever. I kissed him on the cheek but then he crashed our lips together. I haven't had a kiss like that since... 

Travis: I'm coming with you

Derek: it's not your problem stay home

Travis: it isn't yours either

Derek: in fact it is . Whoever messes with you,Lauren, or Camila messes with me!

Travis: well its my problem now too

Derek: how?

Travis: their messing with my boyfriend and that is not going to happen without me giving a fight

Derek: fine come 

Travis: I love it when you get angry 

derek: shut up and get in the car.


Travis: *snoring*

derek: shit ! wake up Travis

Travis: Huh?

Derek : there goes Zac..... 

    Zac went out his house and hoped on a car. It wasn't his. What is he trying to do now? And that;s when I see that Zac sits down on the car hood smoking . That motherfucker is getting it good! I went out of the car Travis trying to stop me but it's no use.

*Hit Hit Hit*

DeRek: I fucking saw you!

Zac : what...


Zac: the fuck!

  Zac suddenly got up and socked me. I hit him back throwing him on the ground. His face was bloody.

Zac: what you see?!?!

Derek: I fucking saw you hit Lauren! What kind of a idiotic bitch does that to a girl . A FUCKING GIRL!!!

Zac: what can I say I dont give a fuck

Derek: Hope you do now cuz if you do that once more to Lauren I swear i'll 

Zac: Or you'll what huh? Kill me? Get yo Gay ass in your car with your boyfriend!

Derek: Shut the fuck up Zac. I'm not wasting my time. I swear if you mess with Lo again you'll regret the day BYE

   I went furious back to the care.  Travis was scared like hell. Zac just laughed and *ouched*. MY breathin became louder and louder. I just wanted to explode. I drove back home. Travis was quiet the whole time. I really didn't want to scare him. By the time We got home I was calm. I just wanted to sleep with Travis alone.

Derek: we're here

Travis: yeh .... Your very strong babe

Derek": yeh I guess so don't guess worried I would never hit you ok?

Travis: whats in your pocket?

Derek: how can i forget! I got his phone to actualy see if he took pictures of Lo

Travis: a little sneaky huh

Derek Yeah! Now come on lets go to bed I'm tired. 

Travis: ok I'm tired as well. Your parents won't say anything?

Derek: doubt it they don't live with me. I'm all alone

Travis: oh really ;)

Derek: mhm Babe lets go in

* Sorry I didnt put in any Camren in this chapter. I though you guys should know more about the Travis Derek couple situation. Still trying to find a ship name for them. Any ideas? comment and vote!!! *

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