Part 1: The Pilot

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Author's Note: 

Hi. Future Julie here (Writing this in 2024, this old story is written in 2016). Before you continue to read this cringe-worthy heart-wrenching masterpiece of a Luke Hemmings fanfiction, I would like to take your time to mention there is a new version of this in which you can find on my profile called Forever Could Be Ours!

Read at your own risk. This is written in the second pov with Y/N instead of a name. 

With cans of beer and sweet flavored cider scattered around in a massive pile of mess on the before otherwise rather pretty serving table, your eyes glanced around confused to what were empty and were full. 

The music playing out loud in the small living room of the house was so loud to the point of you barely hearing what you were thinking yourself. It wasn't helping with the alcohol boosting in your blood from taking 6 shots along with your best friend Matty. 

Let's say, you guys really celebrated off the last year of high school with a blast, even though Matty wasn't much into alcohol like you were.

The massive amount of people dancing around to the beat of the music was a different sight to see every time you would attend a party at one if the jocks' house but it was still an experience to witness. Girls grinning their bodies up against each other and other boys, creating firm boners in their pants weren't something you wasn't used to, but it was still a hilarious and new sight to witness every time.

By the time you guys had drowned the shots along with other friends from your Spanish class, it was like everyone had split apart and with such a big amount of people, it was hard to find someone you knew in the crowd. It wasn't like you didn't know any of these people, but you weren't that familiar with them besides being friends on Facebook.

Moving around in the pile of cans mixed with ice-cubs, you groaned under your breath when there weren't any filled cans left and you ran a hand through your hair frustrated, just needing a drink in the exact moment from overheating up with the hot temperature in this room. More and more students had taken off their clothes to prevent the heat from overwhelming them but it was clear that they were sweating as much as you did.

Desperate for coldness to hit your body, you grabbed two ice-cubs and forced them into your mouth even with them being bigger than your mouth could feel and afterwards hurried towards the door to the porch of the front entrance of the house, wanting to keep some peace and fresh air, away from the other students who was on the other side of the house in the garden.

A cold breeze hit you in the face instantly when you opened the door and you breathed through your nose heavily and enjoyed the sudden feeling of different temperature. The ice-cubs were now small enough to rest in your mouth without making you look like a squirrel, and to your luck you were the only one out here, there was only one sight of students a little bit further away at the street, respecting the restrict smoking rules, having a cigarette and simple talking.

Taking a seat on the bench, you leaned your bare shoulder against the cold light wooden tree, trying to fight the chance to let them stay open, your breathing quickening from how tired you were and the alcohol still hot and bothered. Grabbing your phone you took a look at social medias, just to get updated even at 3am in the morning but by the sound of someone approaching the porch and stepping onto it, you looked up fast confused with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey Y/N." At first the voice wasn't familiar but as the boy stepped forward and into the light, your eyes widened and you lifted your eyebrow skeptically. 

"Hey Dylan." You said unsure, almost like it was a question and he chuckled by your sudden change of attitude and took a seat down on the available spot on the bench.

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