Part 7: The Math Camp

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A/N: This is so typical movie high school I love it シ

The expelling smell of a mix between wet leaves and mud kept on creeping up in your nostrils as you fought the chance to avoid any of the mud holes that was below your feet, and an arm was wrapped around yours to prevent yourself and Matty from falling into the deep dark mud that seemed to be more adhesive than ever. You were sure that if one of you would let go of each other you would end up sinking down to your chin hit the surface.

The rest of the two math classes were right in front of you less than 5 meters away, clearly having an easier access to walk in the mud unlike you. With the mud keeping on sticking to your rubber boots it was a nightmare to even take a step without sinking down. It was always something that you had Matty by your side because if you hadn't you would have been left alone two miles apart from the rest of the group.

The day had been as chaotic as you would quote it. The rest of the class students seemed to have a great time along with the teachers but it wasn't how you saw this. This wasn't your scene at all and you had sent Matty at least 50 death glares throughout the whole morning since you guys camped in the woods last night. At least you had gotten the chance to share a tent with Violet, Matty's twin sister, instead of ending up with Brittany and her friends, but you still hated this trip more than algebra.

Having mud up to your knees wasn't really how you expected your Saturday to be and because of the high humidity from the rain still resting on top of the many leaves on the trees, your hair had started to dampen and curl along with your skin sweating lightly. Of course the rest of the students looked like this too but you both felt and looked ugly at this point.

"Come on Y/N! Lighten up!" Matty said with a smile and looked down at you, keeping up a pace so you guys could catch of with the rest who seemed to get further and further away from you guys.

"I don't mind if we don't catch up with the rest of them. If they don't find out we're missing we can find a shortcut in the woods and head home. If just I could get some fucking signal in this peace of a jungle!" You groaned and moved your phone up in the air, yet there were still no signal.

"We're in a forest Y/N, not a jungle. There's a difference." You rolled your eyes by Matty's words and glared up at him.

"Well sorry smarty-pants." You responded grumpy and pushed your phone back in your pocket, afraid that you would somehow gonna drop it and it would disappear in the massive mud bath. "I just don't understand why you hate this so much! You love late night walks at the beach!"

"The beach doesn't consist mud that makes the ground slippy than ever along with creepy animals flying around in the air and I swear to god I saw a fucking snake earlier! The beach is a place where you can relax, sit by the cold sand at night and look at the moonlight shining down at the dark blue waves. It's nothing like this."

"But considering that you and your mom use mud to plant in your faces when you do face masks, it's weird that you have so much against it." Matty smirked instantly by your reaction to his words and he earned a hit from you in the arm.

"Again, there's a fucking difference! The mud here is fucking dirty and filled with small animals! The mud my mom and I use for facial skin care is clean and healthy! I swear I could get herpes from this if I put it near my fucking face!"

"You can't get herpes from mud, Y/N. It's a sex disease you get from being intimate with a partner by mouth or intercourse."

"Okay Matty enough about the biology lectures, I get it." You exclaimed and looked up at him with wide eyes, trying to look serious but failing when he cracked a smirk. "You know I just like to mess with you." He laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. "You're doing it in a rude way." You mumbled and looked towards the rest of the group again.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now