Part 26: The Chemistry Class

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A/N: Since we are now halfway through the story I would love to hear your opinions! Which part has been your favourite and what is your favourite moment in the book so far, and what do you expect to happen within the next 24 parts? Leave your answers in the comment section below and I will check them out :-))) !!

"Okay fellow student, I expect you have read for today's homework so I won't be giving a lecture about what's going to happen. Our main focus today will be flame testing, so go find a lab coat, a pair of chemistry glassware and make sure not to burn yourself."

You placed your pencil on the working table and stood up from your chair, followed with Matty and the rest of the students towards the area with lab coats, tired faces scattered in the cold Monday morning with science and Mr. Hilbert.

He was sitting quiet, his fingers fiddling between each other while he eyed every student in the chemistry class. Even if it was Monday morning he presented the hell of a smile, not caring that nobody was tired and still recovering from the weekend. When chemistry was on the subject there wasn't a single time for a small break.

"Have you read?" You questioned.

Matty looked over his shoulder with a small grin, nodded his head and grabbed a white lab coat. "Have you?"

This time it was your turn to grin as you grabbed a coat for yourself and pulled it over your shoulders. "I opened the book and looked at the pictures. We're only gonna burn metals I doubt there's any context for that other than remembering not to point your fucking finger into the flame."

Matty chuckled by his words and grabbed two pairs of glasses, placing one pair in front of his eyes and turned to you, removed your hair so he could put them on your face while you buttoned up the coat.

"Woah." He commented in surprise and teasing by the action, his hand caressing down the base of your neck, removing locks of your hair to get a better sight of the dark violet and red bruised hickeys.

You hissed by his fingers pressing against the tender skin, and hurried back towards your table to hide your cheeks but Matty was faster than you, holding you tight so he could get a better look.

"Are you dating Damon Salvatore, holy shit Y/N." He was having a difficult time trying to control his jokingly personality, craving to tease the shit out of you but when you pointed at him warning he raised his hands in surrender.

"I told him not to make them that visible," You put pressure on the word that and took a seat down on the chair, "But either he won't listen or I'm not that great at putting my foot down."

Matty licked his lips and laughed by your words before taking a seat own next to you. "Well maybe he was making you feel so good you could barely register what was going on."

"That's not the case." You said sarcastically and rolled your eyes, repeatedly poking Matty in the arm because of his teasing act. He had been like this the whole morning, doing weird movements, blew you kisses or wiggled his eyebrows. And it was all because of him witnessing you going with Luke home after prom last Friday.

"So his lips secretly found your neck without you knowing, attached them harshly and created telangiectasia by the beautiful wonder of his mouth?"

"I'm not having this conversation with you, Matty." You said simply, ignoring him by focusing on the paper in front of you. Chemistry wasn't really a class where you failed badly, but neither scored the straight A. You understood some parts while others left you more confused than ever. It was Matty who somehow convinced you to take the classes with him, and at first you denied claiming that you wouldn't want to ruin your grades by a subject you had low interest in.

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