Part 20: The Party

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Mattyyyyy!" You whined against the door, dragging on the 'y's in his name, a groan coming from your lips annoyed and you stamped your foot down on the warm heated tiles in the bathroom.

"I'm almost done, Y/N!" Matty exclaimed back in a high pitched voice, and you looked over your shoulder shortly with a smirk to see how far he had gone but Matty caught you in action and his eyes widened in shock.

"Y/N I told you the only way I would allow you to join me at the bathroom would be if you promised to look into the door whole time! Now turn around so I can finish my business, I was a polite person and looked away the whole time when you peed five minutes ago!" You rolled your eyes by Matty's drunken furious state and looked back at the white wooden door in front of you.

"Matty it isn't the first time I've seen it. You have nothing to hide." A pathetic laugh came from Matty in respond to your words and he flushed the toilet and stumbled towards the sink drunkenly, turned on the hot water and used such a big amount of soap he almost emptied the whole lid.

"That was ONE time and you walked in on me showering!"

"Well I didn't know you were showering." You mumbled and turned around to lean your body against the door but holding yourself up was a difficult task and your legs let go of your body. You managed to grab onto the handle of the door but still landed on the floor with a loud thud, your face connecting with the door behind you and a hysterical laughter flied out of your mouth.

"What did Dylan put in your drink?" Matty commented while drying his hands, hurrying towards you to pull you up from the floor but it was a hard time when he was as drunk as you if not worse. He was greater at not showing it but you could see in his eyes that he could feel the impact from the many shots going through his veins you had taken earlier on.

Dylan's birthday party sounded so lame at first but when you guys arrived the party was far from boring. People were dancing, hanging out by the balcony or having games in the different rooms. You couldn't go into one room without finding someone making out, someone who had stolen a bottle of vodka and created their own play of alcohol or a room where one had passed out. Parties like this were one of your favourites because it wasn't just intimate. You could walk around everywhere and talk to new people, both from the school but also from Norwest Cristian College. There was no limits as everyone were drunk and it was parties like this where nerds and jocks wouldn't even care about their popularity, just drinking their brains out together.

Matty had stated to only drink two beers tonight but who could keep that up when there was five different kinds of free cocktails with so much vodka you could barely taste the sweet flavor of fruits in any of them. After five blue lagoons made with ice, blue coloring and coconut vodka Matty was almost out like a light. You had never experienced him this drunk before and you made sure to even film a couple of snapchats of him while he talking nonsense.

It was amazing Matty even managed to stand up straight while peeing because he barely got the chance to walk outside on the hallway before his long legs turned into jelly and he fell down with his head first, almost collapsing with a plant standing a few centimeters away from him.

"Oh my god, clumsy much." You mocked with a laugh, reached your hand forward for him to grab it and he did, but without realizing that he was at least 30 kilograms heavier than you and your arms could compare to spaghetti, you tried to pull him up without any use. Instead you fell down on top of him, laughing your ass up by your drunken state and looked up at the ceiling where a beautiful chandelier was hanging.

You sat up and fixed your hair, watching as Matty did the same and mocked you with his curly locks.

"You can't fix that sweety. That sponge of hair is so matted I'm surprised you can even pull it into a bun at times." You commented and crossed your arms, leaned your head against the wall behind you by the toilet while Matty sat on the opposite of you, your shoes touching.

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