Part 5: Locked In Pt. 2

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Throughout your whole life you had gotten the chance to get used to sleeping on public places. With your mom and dad working for the same airline company, it was a growing habit of staying out of home for a few weeks and travel from city to city, country to country. You couldn't point out how many flight seats, benches at the airport or public train stations where you had fought the chance to get a well sleep for just a few hours and not getting the chance to sleep well. It always felt like a massive hangover to wake up from sleeping on something that could compares to a rock, and a headache from not getting the right amount of eight hours sleep. Today though, this was your first exception from that usual statement.

The sudden sound of the power turning back on, the doors making the usual click sound by the censors working again and all the power from the lights getting back and lightening up the whole library made a jolt run through your body and you squeezed your eyes by the sudden bright light.

At first, confusion spread through your mind as to where in the world you were at the moment. Your eyes glanced around the library confused at first but when you looked outside to see the dark clouds mixed with light rain, all the memories from last night went back and flashed before your eyes.

You had managed to sleep throughout the whole night at the school's library but of course not alone. By the sudden feel of someone moving below you, you noticed how your cheek were resting against the soft fabric of a baby blue dress shirt and your eyes widened instantly by your unbelieving inappropriate action.

Your eyes glanced up to look right into Luke's stubble, his eyes starting to blink by your movement and when his eyes happened to glance down and meet yours, both yours and his eyes widened. In action you jumped up from his chest making your hair bounce everywhere and an awkward tension clouded in the air.

"Well morning." Luke said in a raspy morning voice and you looked down in your lap to see his blazer covering your whole body and more confusion spread to your face. All you had remembered was after Luke finished the pasta salad, you chose to watch some kind of lame comedy-show he had on his laptop. You didn't even get the chance to watch the whole show before your eyelids had grown heavily and you fell asleep.

"Good morning." You mumbled a bit off and stared down at the blazer confused, and Luke giggled quietly with a mix of a blush on his cheeks.

"I woke up in the middle of the night because you were shaking so I put it over you to keep you warm." He explained like he was reading your mind and you nodded your head understanding with your mouth hanging slightly open, confusion still in your veins and you looked at him while he scratched his eyes and ran a hand through his almost mat hair.

"What time is it?" You asked and he grabbed his phone from his pocket and pressed the home button. "It's dead." He responded seconds after and it made you grab your own phone to see it being dead on battery as well. "I guess it's around 9 or something. It's still pretty dark outside." He observed and you nodded your head and stretched your arms.

"It suits you." He said and flashed you a smile, admiring you with his blazer on.

"Well it's really warm so it was really kind of you to cover with it." You said and smiled back, feeling your cheeks blush and looked down at your feet, yet you could still feel his eyes at you, his smile never leaving.

The sound of one of the doors opening to the library made both yours and Luke's eyes look towards the noise and inside arrived the janitor with the most proudest smile to date.

"We fixed it!" He yelled with excitement and it made both you and Luke stand up from the beanbag, and you swung your bag over your shoulder while heading towards the janitor to meet him half way..

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now