Part 13: Sprained

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"Wait, so you fell in the shower?" Matty asked utterly confused, his eyes boring into yours while his jaw was falling, the sandwich he was going to take a bite of still being right in front of his mouth held in his hands.

"Not exactly." You mumbled and ran a hand up your bare arm. "It was like right in front of the bathroom door."

Matty furrowed his eyebrows with the same confused expression, watching you as you secured the bandage around your right ankle. The crutches next to you were resting nicely in the grass and you sighed softly while leaning your back and head against the tree behind you.

"So you slipped one some of the leftover water from the shower? But how did it end up by your door! I mean, unless you and your mom decided to wash Buster again. I don't get it your dad and mom earn money just by talking about work, how can you not afford going to a dog shower shop to wash your giant saint bernese mountain dog!"

"No we didn't wash Buster and for your information it's a lot more fun washing him instead of sending him to a clinic. Besides it wasn't at my place it happened."

"Wait if your accident didn't happen at home... Where were you then?"

Your jaw clenched by Matty's words and a guilty feeling ran down your spine. The guilt in your eyes told enough for Matty to understand and his eyes widened, his head shaking in disappointment but also wanting you to continue your explanation.

The tension was too much for you. Standing between Luke and Calum was much more awkward than you had expected and there was clearly some kind of connection between the two of the boys that you didn't quite catch up with. A shower was the only thing on your mind and after getting allowance from Luke to use the shower it was your only thing on your mind.

You had never expected yourself to be the hardcore cuddly person in your sleep but somehow you and Luke had managed to sleep arm in arm all night. People on Facebook would always claim that it wasn't possible for couple to sleep embraced in each other's arms throughout the whole night. But it was possible for you and Luke.

On that behalf it also meant you guys produced a lot more sweat than normally. Even with Luke's window open and the curtains preventing the sun to heat up the whole room you guys still managed to sweat throughout the night and the sweat was still on your body. You both felt sweaty and dirty, craving for a shower.

The shower was warm and the bathroom was still dampening from Luke's turn, the mirror filled with damp and the floor totally covered up in water. Luke clearly had the habit of now drying the water away after showering and you were almost at the point of slipping when you got into the shower.

It was a nice feeling rinsing everything of your body. Letting the water from the shower dripple down your skin while using some sort of shampoo that was put into the shower. Normally you were hooked on using the right shampoos and conditioners for your hair but this was good enough for you. Luke and Calum didn't really think about brands and stuff.

Everything seemed to go so well. But it wasn't until you were standing with your hair down using the towel to dry it that you heard it. The shouts weren't faint but it was clear that there was some kind of discussion happening down the kitchen but too faint for you to eardrop. You decided to ignore it but you were ripped away from that thought when Luke shouted something rather unexpected.

"Because I'm in love with her, Calum!"

Your head shot up by the words, trying to find the source of context to the yell but you had heard correct. Sprinting towards the door to get better access to hear what they were saying, you were prevented when the water below your feet took you off guard, and before you knew it you landed on the floor in a loud thud with pain coming from your head and your ankle.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now