Part 16: Bali Pt. 1

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A/N: For those who are wondering, Viva Tropic Hotel & Spa is actually a real hotel, but it's located in Mallorca instead of Bali. It's a wonderful hotel that I've been on twice and I love it so much. I would also like to point out that the next part (Part 17) will make the story 18+ and rated R as sexual content will appear. So for some, those who are under the rated age are not allowed to read it and it will most probably become private.  

The sun was shining bright in your face while you leaned your body against the brick wall, your suitcase resting nicely on the ground by your feet along with excitement filling your whole body with adrenaline. It was Friday, the last day before spring and you were waiting for Luke to arrive in front of the parking lot at the school. He had cancelled the morning math class to be home to pack his things and now you were about to explode with excitement.

"When was he supposed to be here?" Matty asked and looked down at his watch, moving his sunglasses down so he could see dark screen from the sun shining down on it. He had been waiting with you at least ten minutes instead of heading home like anyone else because he wanted to be with you and say goodbye before you left.

"Any minute by now." The excitement was so clear in your voice it made goosebumps appear on your skin, and a squeal came from your lips when you saw the familiar silver car drive up to the parking lot, Luke sitting behind the steering wheel with his sunglasses in front of his eyes, smirking when he noticed you standing by the entrance of the school.

"There's your knight in shining armour." Matty hummed and pushed your shoulder lightly, smiling all over his face when you squealed once more in excitement and stood on your toes to wrap your arms around his neck in goodbye.

"Be safe okay!" He said when you pulled away still keeping his eyes on your shoulders, looking at you with half worried eyes but still with a smile on your lips.

"I will. Remember our deal?" You responded with a wink and grabbed your handbag and threw it over your shoulder.

"Yes, if your mother calls me at any second I'll explain that you're in our homemade shower at the beach house, your phone being dead because we've been taking too many snapchats."

"Good." You grinned and hugged him for the last time, a gentle kiss placed on your cheek before you grabbed the handle to your suitcase, waved lightly at Matty before you hurried towards Luke's car and opened the luggage compartment to fill it up with your stuff.

"Hey princess."

Luke was smirking when you sat next to him in the passenger seat, a hand coming down to caress your thigh when he started to drive again towards the airport. The wind was warm with the windows down, making both yours and Luke's hair fly everywhere by the weather, this Friday couldn't get any better and you guys hadn't even taken off yet!

He was actually really sneaky about the whole situation. He had thought everything through from top to toe. It wasn't just the small 'Beach house story with Matty' he had made up, he also made sure the plane company wasn't anything related to Qantas Airways, which meant that you didn't have to hide around the airport to prevent you from meeting any of your family relatives or one of your parents' coworkers.

The bright sun was gone and replaced with the night sky filled with stars when the cap stopped in front of the hotel, a yawn escaping Luke's lips when he opened the door and walked out with your baggage. You never expected the trip to be so long but the 6 hours flight along with the waiting time for baggage and the drive to the hotel meant that you guys arrived at 9pm.

The lobby to the hotel was beautiful with a mix of brownish light warm caramel colors on the shinning floor, tables and chairs. In the middle there was an open ceiling allowing everyone from the sixth floor to look down at the many plants that were placed in the middle of the place.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now