Part 21: The Hangover

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A/N: Hahaaha this is not so innocent (Smuuttttttt appears)

"Woah, that looks like a hungover in the level of death zone." Calum commented surprised when Luke slumped down the stairs with you in his arms, a smile creeping on your lips by his statement and you could only shrug your shoulders. Luke rolled his eyes and hurried towards the couch, placed you down carefully and wrapped the duvet around your body, his shirt being the only thing to cover up your almost nude body.

"She literally puked her organs out last night. It was worse than you at our graduation party in high school and I doubt you barely remember that." Luke commented and pressed a kiss to your warm forehead, turning on the TV with the remote and turned around to head towards the kitchen where Calum was standing while making a sandwich.

"I don't, the only thing I remember is Michael passing out in the bathtub and not realizing that I was puking next to him while Ashton rubbed my back. It was very soothing." Calum smiled up from his sandwich by the memory while Luke opened the fridge, laughing quietly by the scenario that he didn't participate in, but had easy access to imagine before his eyes.

"Honestly, I'm glad I didn't get to witness that scene." Luke opened the fridge and took out a bottle of cold water, placed it on the counter next to it and opened one of the drawers, "Y/N do you want something to eat? Bread? Pringles?"

At first you furrowed your eyebrows by the banging headache, just the thought of food making you want to gag but the mention of pringles made you move your chin up to the soft cushion of the couch, looking at him with a curious expression.

"The red ones?" You asked, refereeing to the originals and Luke lifted up the long tube of golden chips, shaking it and creating a delightful noise.

"I always eat them when I'm hungover, they're really good especially because they're without any gagging taste." You nodded your head with a smile, thinking that it would be best to eat something, it might be pleasant to your stomach that wasn't functional at all.

"You know what really helps on hangovers?" Calum asked while waving with the knife he had between his fingers. "A long island."

"What's a long island?" You asked unaware, and Luke shook his head by Calum's words with a smile and walked back to you to take a seat on the couch.

"A long island is a cocktail that consists rom, tequila, vodka, gin-"

"No please stop." You whined and leaned your head against Luke's chest, trying to block out the thought of alcohol crossing your mind. Calum grinned widely by your suffering while he wrapped up his sandwich and took a bite of it. Luke's chest vibrated by Calum's actions and leaned his forehead against yours.

"Luke even tried it once at a club. Our friend Ashton had to carry him all the way home." Luke shook his head disagreeing, but it was clear on both his and Calum's face features that Cal was telling the truth, Luke just couldn't remember the whole scenario from that blurry night.

"That's enough story time for this morning, Calum." Luke looked over his shoulder to stare at his best friend in warning, and Calum stuck his tongue out teasing before disappearing up the stairs and into his bedroom.

You looked up at Luke with a curious expression and he tried to shrug it off but the smile on his face told that it was the truth. He reached over to grab the remote and ran through the channels until he came to Cartoon Network, and he leaned down against the couch and wrapped both his arms around you, cuddling up with the duvet.

"Were you like me last night?" You asked and smiled softly, and he moved his head down to look at you, your lips ghosting over each other and your noses bumping.

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