Part 43: Iceland Pt. 3

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"... I'm so shocked I don't even know what to say." Matty mumbled under his breath while squeezing his eyes by the bright sun streaming down on you from the blue sky. "I don't even... WHAT?"

His voice was so loud and high pitched in shock that he caught attention from a pack of Asian tourists standing next to you by the rack, his eyes widening in response and he grabbed you by the arm to pull you towards a spot where nobody could listen.

"You're not fucking with me right now Y/N because I swear to god if you are..." He trailed off while looking down at you with his pair of serious hazel eyes, his teeth digging into his dry bottom lip. His eyes only grew wider when you looked down at the snow crowding your converse boots while shaking your head.

"And Luke fucking heard it?"

"It can't get any worse, huh?" You mumbled under your breath while looking up at him sarcastically, trying to form a small smile almost wanting to laugh by the situation but in the end there was nothing to laugh about.

"I just can't believe this." He mumbled and adjusted the beanie on his hair, the otherwise nature ahead of him being the last thing on his mind. You weren't even supposed to admit this to him now with a huge day planned but you had to get it out. You didn't know what to do with yourself.

"Dylan is in fucking love with you?"

Just the way he was saying it showed his lack of belief. And to be honest you couldn't really imagine the thing either even though you were the one witnessing Dylan confess his love to you.

Honestly you hadn't really been yourself throughout the night. It had been such a shocker to you but you couldn't point out what was worse. The fact that a boy that you had been hating for years but finally somehow accepting him committing his love or the fact that Luke was there to witness it too. It was like a harsh knife being cut into your chest by the sight of his expression.

"What did you say or do? I just don't understand." Matty had never looked so lost like now it almost seemed like he was more shocked than you, which literally seemed impossible.

"When I think about it now it all seems like a blur." You mumbled while fiddling with your black mittens and looked down at your feet. Everything could almost compare to a dream – surely more a nightmare. "But after Luke left I think I stared at Dylan hesitantly for probably a minute. After that I took my hand away from his and said I didn't really know what to reply besides the fact that I was happy he was being honest with me."

"How did he react?" Matty questioned almost excited by the gossip and leaned his back against the rack, snow spreading out on his jacket but he didn't mind it was already starting to fall down from the sky. Even after two days you had gotten such used to it being everywhere and being cold all the time.

"How would you react if you admitted your love to someone and they didn't quite return it?" Your tone was soft while you spoke, your eyes looking up at him shyly with a small feeling of guilt creeped over your spine.

Matty changed his face expression completely by realization what in the hell actually went on last night. It didn't quite occur to him that someone like Dylan would have feelings and especially towards someone like you. You had never seemed to be his type besides his horrible way of trying to take advance of you while being drunk.

"It's just hard to believe, that simple." He shook his head while speaking and pursed his head with his eyes focusing down on the snow.

"You tell me." You chuckled, trying to light up the situation because you had honestly felt so gutted throughout the whole day.

You couldn't think of anything else. After Dylan left your room you didn't know what to do with yourself otherwise than staying in the same position on the bed and staring blankly at the wall. It was so new and so weird to you, it was hard to focus on anything else. Not to mention the fact that he was walking around confused now with a blank face expression every time he would look towards you. The way he was looking with dull eyes like he wanted to catch your eye attention was obvious. But every time your gaze would land on him he would look away immediately.

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