Part 10: Caught

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Kissing inside the janitor's device room didn't really sound like the most romantic place to hide. The smell of detergents products along with buckets, brooms and vacuum cleaners filling the already small area made it difficult to even stay inside without falling into some kind of object. But it was the only place where nobody would find you and Luke. Luke always kept track of where janitor Lewis was, and when he knew he was out, Luke would hurry to text and find you before the two of you would snuggle up in the small dark room.

You had no idea how you had ended up here. Neither did you know what kind of relationship you guys had created. After the kiss at the detention you had stopped in track when you heard the sound of the cleaning team coming inside to clean the classroom. Luckily enough they hadn't witnessed anything, but it left an awkward tension between you afterwards.

It wasn't until you got home that it changed. Suddenly, your phone vibrated and a message from an unknown number was showing on your front screen. But when you took a better look and saw at the message from before, you remembered it being Luke's number and since then you had done nothing but constantly texting each other. It happened so often, even in classes when Luke wasn't teaching. Matty had caught you smiling so many times at your phone but he never understood the reason behind it.

Luke loved doing things in hide and since your first kiss, it was clear on him how much you actually meant to him. He always sought attention from you every time he didn't have classes and at this point you couldn't even count how many classes you had skipped because of him. You always told yourself that you would only be out for ten minutes pretending to be on the toilet but ten minutes ended up at forty and by that point the class was far over.

Everything had to be a pure secret between only you. You couldn't point how many times you wanted to tell Matty everything just to get the secrets out of your body instead of eating you up but you couldn't. Everything had to stay in hide because of Luke. If any of the other teachers found out he was making out with one of his students he would lose not only his job but also his education. He hadn't even graduated himself and it would suck big time if he didn't get it at all because of his feelings.

There were benefits to it though. You had started to get up early to get in school in time for the classes. At first Luke had been surprised and almost fell down his chair the first time you showed up, not only five minutes, but fifteen minutes before the morning math class would start. Even Matty was surprised but when he asked the reason to it you could only shrug and brush. You never believed in your life that someone would be more worth it than your romance with your bed in mornings but Luke really replaced that.

It was like you saw a totally different side of him. Even though he was like you had expected in person, he was still more calm and relaxing in himself when he was near you. When you guys were in the character of a student and a teacher, he acted around you. At times he was so good at it you almost feared that he was ignoring you. But once in a while when you flick your eyes towards him he would already be looking at you and a warm smile would appear on his light pink lips. It always left butterflies erupt in your stomach and your cheeks heating up by the affection.

There had only been one time where you were almost caught. You had stayed late a Friday to surprise Luke after the classes and when you walked in to see him hover over the table with many assignments in front of him, his world seemed to light up when he noticed your presence. Making out on the teacher's chair had become a common thing for you guys but it wasn't that great when Mr. Tulips walked inside. Luke had managed to get you up from his lap before she saw anything but that also meant you collapsed onto the floor next to him and out of sight. She never noticed anything but it left a bruise on your elbow that made both you and Luke crack up laughing.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now