Part 39: The Breakup

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It was a huge question to you whether it was a whine of relief, pain or both things that escaped your lips the second you fluttered your eyes open when Luke's alarm rang at exactly 06:35 A.M. You could barely move even by the harsh sound of the alarm that was rather painful to your ears, the cramps in your stomach being so horrible you huffed into the pillow.

"What is going on?" Luke questioned in a rough voice by reaction to the alarm or just being woken up in general. He placed a soft hand to your shoulder confused, feeling your skin burn beneath his touch.

Though his question was answered the second you slumped around so your back was facing him, a large stain on his sheets indicating your cause of pain.

"Uh, Y/N?" He half stammered in confuse while moving the sheet away from you, his brain easily multiplying what was going on. "I think we can conclude that the pregnancy scare will remain as a scare."

Lifting your head up fast with furrowed eyebrows you stared at him tiredly for seconds. His lips pursed while his hair was matted against his forehead, and he pointed down carefully towards your bum.

You quivered an eyebrow confused but the second you realized what he was talking about your eyes widened. Looking down at the mattress your eyes were met by the bright red stain that only seemed to increase. You didn't even know what to say, how to response and you wanted to be happy but honestly you couldn't because you literally just bleed in Luke's fucking bed.

"Hey." He grabbed your hand carefully to calm you down. "Don't be ashamed it's okay. It's good. It's really good." He mumbled the last part more to himself than you and stood up from the bed instantly.

You looked at him somehow frozen as he headed towards the drawer and took out some old clothes that you had forgotten to pick up months ago. Heck, you barely remembered still having those, expecting to forget it somehow at P.E or worse.

"I'm gonna clean this okay?" He sat next to you and removed strands of your hair. "And you'll take a shower. I can tell on your face that you have been sleeping just as little as I have. We'll skip school today and we'll relax."

"But, I don't have any pads." You mumbled quietly while touching the sheets slightly, feeling tired, exhausted, in pain and many more feelings at the same time. It was exploring your mind.

"Then it's a good thing that I have an old package that you've used before at my apartment." He explained softly and helped you to stand up from the bed. Looking at him with clear insecurities in your eyes you followed him carefully towards the bathroom and accepted the fresh clothes he had found for you.

Luke was right about his sayings when it came to a shower. The wonderful feeling of having water run down your back, cleanse your whole body and feel somehow fresh again really did help. You had barely slept throughout the whole night, waking up every half hour like something was hunting you down. You wanted to sleep, squeezed your eyes tight but somehow it didn't seem to work.

You had no idea whether or not Luke had been sleeping too. He was very careful when he was sleeping, barely flicking a muscle. Sometimes you literally feared he was dead or something when you woke up in the mornings because honestly he wouldn't move a single thing and it was scary.

And even if he told you that you shouldn't feel embarrassed you couldn't contain the blush. It was always a thing that girls feared, bleeding in a male's bed while not really knowing how to react or what to do. It was amazing to see how calm Luke was with the situation and when you tumbled out of the bathroom carefully he had already changed the sheets and placed the stained one into a bucket with cold water.

"I'm doing it right, right?" He questioned carefully as you came into vision and you nodded your head slightly. He nodded his head happily and grabbed a shirt from his dresser to wear.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now