Part 17: Bali Pt. 2

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A/N: *SCREAMS IN HIGH PITCHED LUKE VOICE*: ALL MY LIFE I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR MOMENTS TO COME! The moment is finally here! You've all been very impatient with the smut and now it's finally here, Y/N was finally ready to give her virginity to Luke! I'm sorry for those who are under 18! Thank you for reading though I hope you guys like this :3

Bali was probably one of the most beautiful places you had ever visited in your life, and that was many! You had been flying with your dad throughout Europe, some parts of Asia and even LA once but nothing could compare to this place. It was small, filled with tourist but it had so many stories behind each attraction.

Luke had planned everything from top to toe. He even made sure that you guys had some sort of guide who barely spoke English, but it was a part of the experience. He was fun and the most contagious laugh ever. He showed you around the beach, by one of the old buildings and other cultural stuff. You even got the chance to taste different kinds of Indonesian dishes and it was so amazing.

Luke even suggested carrying you around at times. It wasn't less than a few days ago you had let go of your crutches, and the foot was still sore at times. But even if you guys had been walking for hours, you managed to survive with only minor problems.

The warm sun that had been replaced with the night sky showing bright, and you leaned your head against the rack of the balcony while looking out at the horizon. Luke was sitting in front of you only wearing his black skinny jeans shirtless, his eyes focused on the bowl of chips in his lap. Even if it was dark you could still notice the tan he had gotten throughout the day.

"What?" Luke asked and placed the bowl of chips on the table in the middle between you, noticing your sudden stare.

"Are you sunburned or is it just the light out here that's horrible?"

He looked down at his shoulders and chest by his question, pressing two of his fingers against the skin to see if it had some sort of affection. When he removed the fingers no prints were there which made him smile up at you.

"Nope. Tan all the way." He flexed his muscles shortly cockily, and you laughed softly at him while shaking your head at his stupid way of being funny.

"Hey you've got tan too. I can see the tan line from your top." He mentioned and you looked down at yourself like he did, and moved the top strap away.

"Wauw. This must be the first time in my life."

"What? We live in Sydney. You never get tan?"

You shook your head while laughing. "The sun doesn't like me. My mom once had to give me D vitamin pills because I was lacking from it. I usually get sunburned when I'm outside. That's why I try to avoid it."

Luke shook his head while laughing, and you copied his act because your small story. You leaned your chin back on the rack and took a look down at the pool. An employee of the hotel had been walking around cleaning it but now he was gone and the pool was almost deserted. It was only by the restaurant and the bar there were some people, the faint sound of cutlery clicking together from the kitchen and small chats from people eating.

"We didn't even get the chance to try out the pool." You whined and flicked your eyes back to Luke. He looked over the balcony, his finger coming up to touch his stubble chin while he looked like someone in deep thinking. He cracked a smile all of the sudden which made you furrow your eyebrows to what he had in mind.

"What?" You asked and cocked an eyebrow at him. He bit his lip by your question and motioned his head towards the pool. "We can take a dip if we want."

"What do you mean we can still take a dip? It's closed Luke. We aren't allowed otherwise we'll get in trouble with some of the staff."

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