Part 11: Friday Night

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A/N: Okay so I got carried away with this and ended up writing 5,2k words to this, so I hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it x  

"Here we are." Luke announced when he stopped the car, and he removed the gear so it was in neutral position and ripped up the handle to stop the car from moving. Your eyes glanced towards the white building that was in front of you and your mouth formed a small "o". Luke removed his hand from your lap to open the car door and he kneeled down to prevent his head from hittings the roof before he walked out.

"Fancy." You commented while opening your own door and Luke stuck his tongue out at you and opened the baggage door. "I know it's not as fancy as some other houses here in town. But I'm still on education and it's not like I receive a fortune for working at the school." He leaned his body inside the car to grab the grocery bags you had bought minutes ago and you laughed at him when he tried to avoid hitting his head again.

"It looks cozy." You commented and waited for him, watching as he locked the car and placed the keys in his pocket before he walked towards you. "It is, actually. Much better than living at home." He said and sighed, and you followed him towards the apartment where he lived.

Even if Luke pointed out that he didn't have much money, this still looked pretty rad. The apartments had two floors along with a small garden and a balcony. Of course you had no idea what it looked inside but from your point of view it looked nice.

Luke stopped in track when you got closer and he looked over his shoulder in confuse.

"What?" You asked and looked back as well, almost fearing that somebody was following you and Luke had noticed.

"Nothing, it's just... My roommate wasn't supposed to be home tonight. There was some football match in the tele so I told me he would watch it with a couple of friends from his work. His car isn't here either but the lights are still on in our apartment." Luke explained and pointed towards the apartment furthest away, only linked to one apartment to its right and having a small playground on the other side.

"Maybe he forgot to turn off the lights." You suggested and he looked down at you with a confused expression. "Well, he never does. He's always the one to point it out where I usually forget it. Oh well." He mumbled the last part and shrugged his shoulders before you guys headed towards his front door and you waited for him as he fished his keys out of his pocket again.

Luke put the key into the keyhole and unlocked the door, pressed it open and grabbed the groceries he had placed on the ground to get better access. You both walked inside and the instant smell of teenage boy hit your nose along with fresh laundry from the washing machine next to you.

"Cal?" Luke yelled out loud and his echoed in the house but no answer. "Calum?" He asked once again while taking off his shoes and he walked into the kitchen and placed the groceries on the counter. You on the other hand were still struggling with your converse and you took a seat down to tie up your shoes.

"I don't think he's home." Luke mumbled with a hint of confusion in his voice and he opened the fridge ready to put groceries in the fridge so it wouldn't start to grow mold and nasty.

"Who are you talking to?"

A jolt ran through Luke's body by the sudden sound of a woman's voice and he smacked his back against the door to the fridge to see who it was.

"Mom!" He exclaimed, both in shock and confusion and he furrowed his eyebrows odd to her sudden presence. "What are you doing here?" He asked and stood up from leaning against the fridge, and she laughed carefully at him and crossed her arms.

"You asked me to help you do your laundry, and you said you were ready at 4pm so I was here a little bit before that. But I've been waiting for almost 30 minutes so now I did it myself. You need to learn it someday, you know that right?" She said and crossed her arms, and you leaned your head against the doorframe to the kitchen carefully and Luke caught your eyes instantly. He started to widen his eyes and motion his head for you to hide but his mom noticed and she turned around confused.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now