Part 9: The Kiss

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A/N: *Clears voice, starts singing like Luke*: All my life, I've been waiting for moments to come  

Debating with yourself whether or not the camp trip was something you wished could have been avoided, filled up in your brain like a rollercoaster you could not get out of. The constant thoughts of Luke and Brittany couldn't escape your mind and the flashing images of the two of them by the lake made nausea thoughts spread in your veins and taste all the time. When you had run away from them you knew that you wouldn't sleep right away, but you'd rather wrap your sleeping bag tight around your ears to prevent sounds and anything else blocked out of your mind and thoughts. You didn't want to look at them or see them ever together again. It didn't make sense to why you were reacting like this but a knot would form in your stomach every time the images would flash before your eyes.

But after avoiding everything that had something to do with being near Luke the morning after, you barely spoke to anyone not even Matty, who seemed to be more concerned than ever. You wouldn't eat when breakfast was served, you didn't want to do anything else but stare out in the air when you guys drove home with the bus. Matty had nudged your shoulder a few times with his, but he couldn't get any respond from you. Something was eating you up, and as your best friend he was dying to find out.

Just the thought of seeing Luke at Monday morning made you sick. But not just the typical teenage phase sick. No, you had actually caught a cold from the camp trip that literally saved you from everything. For the first time in your life you enjoyed being stuck to your bed with high fever, a snotty nose and your throat being as dry as a desert.

All you had been doing for the past days were resting in the nice embrace of your warm covers while re-watching old episodes of Pretty Little Liars and resting a cup of chicken noodle soup in your lap. Matty even visited you one day with a cup of your favourite cheap noodles to get better and just by seeing him, you already felt better. It was always nice having a person like him who cared so much.

But after being sick for the past 5 days and Friday was here, your mom literally forced you to get up. Your absence in school had been rising too much by now and with the constant getting late habit, you knew you had to pull your shit together. Though, since you hadn't taken a shower for a while because of laziness, it meant you had to do it in the morning. That both meant that you had to skip first class which was a pretty good luck since it was math. But it also meant that you somehow ended up being late for the next class, English.

Getting the purple note stuck into your hands from your grumpy teacher made you just nod your head and thinking "Of course, why not." Before you slumped towards your seat and barely listened throughout the whole class. Even if you were feeling better than when you came home from the camp, you could still feel the cold in your veins sometimes and your nose was red from all the tissues. It was that bad that you couldn't even hide it with any kind of foundation you owned at home.

"Hey I haven't seen you all day I didn't thought you would come since you weren't at math. You aren't avoiding me, are you?" You turned around by the sound of Matty's voice and a small smile came to your lips by the sight of him. You had missed the long legged, brown haired curly lad with his hazel eyes staring down at you with a worried look.

"No Matty I'm not. I just skipped lunch and went down to the nearest shop to get some painkillers and tissues. And I skipped math... I just needed to sleep some more and get a shower. I've smelled like a caveman for days and I'm sure I'm starting to grow mold on my skin."

Matty smiled by your words and laughed quietly before he pulled you into a well missed hug. "I'm happy to see that you're feeling much better now. You seemed so sick the last time I visited I feared that you had some kind of virus from the forest."

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now