Part 24: The Argument

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"Morning Mr. Hemmings."

Luke's head rose up from correcting assignments at this desk, his eyes confused to the sudden voice but when he noticed you leaning against the doorframe to the classroom, a smile grew on his otherwise tired face.

"Morning princess." His attention went back to his work, and in the corner of his eye he could see you close the door before approaching him. You touched the light wooden surface of his desk, your fingers caressing over his hand and up his arm that was covered by his baby blue dress shirt.

When your eyes landed on his face, a curious expression came to your features and a gutted feeling ran down past your spine.

"Are you okay? You don't look good." You took a seat on the available spot on his desk and crossed your arms. He shook his head tired and looked up at you with a miserable expression, the bags under his eyes clear and in a mix of purple blue. The outlines of his eyes were pure red, along with his lips that were dry and his hair was tousled. It was clear he had tried to style it but giving up in the end.

"I didn't get much sleep last night because I was correcting assignments. My sleep hasn't been that great lately and I think it affects my immune system. I'm rarely sick but I think I'm in the starter pack of getting a bad cold." He ran his hands down his face and sighed.

"Maybe you're just a bit stressed. I get that too." You removed his hands from his face took look at him.

"I don't know. Maybe I just need to take a small break." He caressed your hand with a small smile, happy you were so worried and caring about him. It was something he needed in stressing period, so many things going on at the moment with assignments, preparing for his teacher exams and still trying to make time for you too.

"Why are you so happy today?" He changed the subject and pushed out his chair, clapping his hands on his lap in invitation.

You grinned down at him and pulled your phone out of your back pocket before taking a seat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around you and leaned his head on your shoulder, looking down curious to what you had to show him.

Opening the gallery on your phone you pressed on the first picture in the folder, showing it to Luke with a proud smile. He grabbed your phone to get a better look, furrowing his eyebrows and observed the picture.

The picture consisted of you taking a picture in a full mirrored reflection, cutting the picture where your neck was showing. The dress you were wearing was white, silver patterns to secure the waist and around the chest to create an almost heart shaped form. The dress was long, almost comparing to snow and covering your whole body, but still tight around the waist to show your curves.

"What is it?" Luke asked dumb-folded, and you rolled your eyes because of his unawareness.

"It's my prom dress! My dad and I ordered it a month ago but it got lost in the mail and we almost feared it wouldn't show up before prom! But when my mom opened the mail this morning the package was there and she hurried up to my room to show me! I was five minutes late for first class because I had to try it on but it was worth it!"

Luke zoomed in on the dress while you explained, getting a better look of it and smiled softly by your excited eyes, "It's very beautiful. Looks great on you even though I can't see your gorgeous face."

"Yeah I didn't want my face with it because my hair is so nasty today. I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna do with it tomorrow like prom is one day away and I still don't know what makeup, hair and shoes I'm gonna wear. Talk about being stressed." You laughed by your own words and placed your phone on top of his desk before locking it.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now