Part 3: The Detention

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"Hey Y/N!"

Smacking your locker door harshly to see who was standing in front of you, you were met by Matty's eyes staring at you with wide eyes by your sudden action. "What happened now?" He questioned and rolled his eyes while opening his own locker. "Why weren't you at math this morning?" You asked ignoring his question and he sighed and took out a few books from his locker.

"You see this?" He lifted up his arm where a reddish spot was spreading out on his skin, clearly looking like some kind of rash. "My mom thought it was chickenpox or something and you know how freaky she is at times so she brought me to the doctor's. Turns out it's only because I'm sensitive to grass." He rolled his eyes afterwards while speaking and leaned his body against the locker. "Why are you so upset?"

You lifted your hand up to show him the crumpled purple note and he had to hold in his grin. "Mr. Hemmings gave you detention once again?" You smirked fake by his question and rolled your eyes irritated before pushing the paper back into your pocket. "It wasn't fucking fair at all! I don't deserve the treatments he gives me and it's only towards me!"

"Y/N, you're also the only student who literally does her best to annoy the crap out of him. If you just behaved more probably and met at the right time you wouldn't be stuck with detention every single Friday. He's just doing his job and remember he's still under education. Don't you think he deserves a smaller bit of your respect?"

"Matty you're pathetic." You mumbled followed by a groan and he laughed softly by your statement and removed some of your hair that had fallen down in front of your eyes. "I'm not being pathetic, just realistic." You rolled your eyes by his words and he moved away from the locker so you guys could get to class.

"It's just nothing is fucking fair anymore! He could see me running down the hallways when we met this morning and I was just one, ONE FUCKING MINUTE late for class and boom! 'You're over time Ms. Y/L/N I'm sorry but I have to give you detention.'" Your tone was mocking Mr. Hemmings and you made a sound of disgust when you were done and turned to your right on the corridor.

"He's just so full of himself and I'm sick and tired of it." You stopped in track when you noticed the one and only Mr. Hemmings standing with his back leaning against the rack of the stairs to the second floor, talking with some of the other teachers. He said something you couldn't point out from the distance but it must have been something funny as to why the teachers all of the sudden cracked up laughing.

"Well, I like him." Matty said and smiled down at you with the annoying smirk he always did when he knew he was right and fair.

"Good for you. But I'm not changing my mind. You're not the one who's going to stay after school on a fucking Friday. If it's gonna affect the party tonight I'm gonna freak on him on Monday."

"You're crazy, you know that right?" He asked and opened the door to the classroom.

"Well, you're still my best friend right?" You said with a chuckle and placed your books on the usual table you guys sat at in this classroom and Matty smiled in delight.

Matty never knew what he was talking about when it came to detention, mainly because he was never there to experience it. He had strict parents who always believed in him as the star student of the school with straight A+'s on his proficiency marks and to be honest, Matty was the smartest person. He was great at almost every subject such as Math, Science, History and Biology. The only subject you could point him out as weak would be French. He was shitty at 3 degree languages and when he tried to deny it, you would test him out in French words and he would get blank space in is mind instantly. And because of his well-behaved manor, he had never in his life been late for school or experienced the terrible nightmares of detention.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now