Part 2: The Truth

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"You've been acting so strangely since you arrived this morning, what's going on Y/N? I feel like there's something important that I'm missing out." Matty said confused while dialing the code to his locker, switching out his math books with English and looked at you with an odd expression.

"That's what I wanted to talk about earlier. I need to tell you something important." You mumbled and scratched your arm, looking down at your feet in a nervous manor. Matty lifted an eyebrow by your words and smacked his locker shut and leaned his back against it. "Tell me about it then."

You opened your mouth ready to explain everything that had been going on when you were alone outside but your breath caught in your throat when you noticed Mr. Hemmings coming out of the classroom you had been in less than 5 minutes ago, and he stood talking with Mrs. Harris. You zoned out staring at him for seconds without any realization around you and his eyes happened to glance towards your direction and it made you furrow your eyebrows when he stared at you with no emotions on his face features.

"You were saying?" Matty asked almost impatient, confused to your sudden zone out and your eyes looked up at his confused ones.

"I can't tell you here. Come on, lunch is waiting." You mumbled fast and grabbed his arm and you glanced towards Mr. Hemmings' direction shortly before turning around with Matty, heading towards the school's canteen that was already filled with hungry students craving for a long break after the struggling boring classes.

After filling your trays with food you guys headed towards your usual table, sitting by the edge of it while the squad of the cheerleader team sat at the other end of the table. There was no doubt you guys did not want to sit with them but this was the only spot left in the cafeteria and you guys were used to it. It was either them or the emo freaks who wouldn't say a thing during lunch, just stare at each other with the same boring death glare.

"What were you going to tell me at the hallway?" Matty asked while digging his fork into his salad and you shifted in your seat and was ready to speak up but you guys were interrupted by the cheerleaders giggling and chit chatting.

"I swear to god, Mr. Hemmings is sex on a fucking stick." Brittany, the head leader of the cheerleaders almost yelled in excitement so everyone in the canteen could hear her and she pushed some of her dark hair away from her face and over her shoulder, a smirk appearing on her face when the other cheerleaders started to giggle and nod their heads agreeing with her. "Here we go again." Matty mumbled and mocked her silently, his direction going back to the salad in front of him.

"I totally agree with her." Another cheerleader agreed with Brittany and it made you scoff and shake your head by their behavior. "He's not that fucking pretty." You mumbled under your breath, yet it was still loud enough for them to hear and Brittany leaned her head to the right side and looked at you with a curious smirk.

"What was that Y/L/N?" She asked and crossed her legs while sitting on the table, and you rolled your eyes by her question and glanced towards her.

"I just don't understand while you're drooling over him." You said with a shrug and she cracked up laughing in disbelief by your words and rolled her eyes while looking at the other cheerleaders with a mockingly expression. Brittany really topped the category of being ridiculously snobbish. She had the money, she had the body but her personality was shit it was thrilling to see how the boys hadn't noticed it yet. It wasn't like you guys weren't on good terms but occasionally when Britt would fire off a comment that didn't agree with yours you would speak up.

"Maybe because he is fucking hot?" Brittany said and stood up from the table and walked down so she was standing on the floor. "But maybe you don't want to believe that because you know that you wouldn't get a chance with him if the odds were there."

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now