Part 19: The New One

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You barely got the chance to walk inside the entrance of the school before Matty was in your sight, pushing past the few students who were crowding the area, engulfing you in a massive hug just as soon as you were in his reach.

His cologne was strong as it hit your nostrils, and you wrapped your arms around his stomach with a giggle escaping your lips. He swung the two of you back and forth, twirling you guys around in a circle before he made some distance between you to look meet at your eyes.

"How was the trip?" He exclaimed with wide eyes, his tone clear with excitement. You laughed and hugged him one last time before readjusting the bag pack hanging on your shoulder and turned around so the two of you could head down the hallway.

"It was amazing, Bali was such a beautiful place. I wish we could have been there for a few more days. The hotel was amazing, the food was great and being with Luke was the little cherry on top of the muffin. It couldn't have gone better. What about your beach house?" You asked cheekily and puffed his arms.

"It was amazing too. We've been walking on the beach and bathing naked in the ocean." He responded with the same tone of cheekiness, puffing his shoulder into yours.

"We did not." You argued and looked up at him with wide eyes. "We took walks on the beach, played at least 40 different kinds of card games and swam in the ocean WITH clothes on. I need a cover up story in case my mom asks me about anything. I can feel her already looking at me with shinning eyes and asking if it will be something we'll do again."

"Well that's up to you and loverboy." Matty commented and referred to Luke, a smile breaking on your lips just by the thought of him. After saying goodbye in front of your house after landing in the airport you couldn't get yourself to function. You missed him more than life and not having him by your side was a suffering deal. You never imagined being so addicted to someone but without Luke by your side you were half a heart without him.

"I wouldn't miss the chance if he asks me on a trip again. It was pure gold." You opened your locker to take out a few books, roaming inside to find your math book that was hiding deepest inside the dark area. Matty copied you and opened his locker as well, his math book resting right in front of him.

"Well what did you guys do?" He asked casually, furrowing his eyebrows when he couldn't find his math notebook, an important piece of gold that kept all the notes he had ever taken in math classes.

"We ate, swam in the pool and had sex." You said nonchantly, a smirk coming to your lips when Matty smacked his locker door harshly, his eyes wide as he looked at you shocked. You laughed out loud by his reaction and bit your lip, leaning your head against your own locker after you had closed it.

"You guys had sex? As in intercourse? Intimate moment between male and a female?" He rambled, his eyes remaining wide while he looked down at you curiously.

"We did." You bit your lip to hold in your smirk and a blush appeared nicely on your cheeks.

"Oh my god... You're not a virgin any longer." His hands came up to his lips to cover the shocked expression and his tone was soft while he spoke. "And you didn't lose it to an idiot. I'm so happy." He wrapped his arms around you to pull you in for a warm hug, your body shaking with adrenaline by thinking of it.

"Was he good? Is he as pretty shirtless as he is with clothes on? Is it big?" Your eyes widened by his many questions, the last one in particular and you laughed out loud and hide your face in his hands. "Matty I have only seen one, I don't know if it's big."

"Okay that's not important then. The important thing is that he made you feel good, was gentle and did not make you uncomfortable at any point." He said on the more serious note, shaking off his other question with a wave movement in his right hand.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now