Part 8: The Math Camp Pt. 2

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If there was one thing you hated, it was when Matty was right. He always had the habit of being a confident person mainly because he was always right in his sayings and statements. And this wasn't an exception at all.

You had survived one night in a tent and that was pure enough for you. It wasn't like you hated the nature or anything, but it was just too much for you to cope with. The sound of the wind making the bushes and the trees move along with the tents moving, animals far away making small noises talking to each other and just the fact that you were resting on top of the ground where mud was crowding the whole camp area.

Everyone had gone to bed at this point and the bonfire was almost out, only a few sparks left to heat up the small area with the tree stumps around for people to sit on. Violet was far away in her dream, a few dripples from her mouth slowly creeping down her chin along with her eyes being half open. It wasn't difficult to see her and Matty being twins, they had the exact same face expression and habits when sleeping.

You had wished at this point that you hadn't gone on the trip at all. It wasn't like this wasn't cozy and fun but the conditions were by far something's you preferred. You didn't want to act like such a diva in front of the other students and you never wore the diva attitude but to be honest. You were a diva in the forest and this wasn't your scene at all.

The clock had stroked past 2am at this point but you were awake like a light. You had tried and fought the chance to sleep but somehow your eyelids just couldn't stay closed. At this point you knew it wasn't just the many noises around you, and the bad sleeping conditions. So instead of just trying to sleep and stare at Violet almost drooling herself and her snores, you stood up from your mattress and opened the tent.

It was a warm breeze that hit you when you stuck your head out of your tent and a small smile creeped on your face. Even though you hated camping in the woods it didn't meant that you didn't like the nature at all. The way the grass would crunch beneath your feet and the stars gazing in the sky. In downtown Sydney it was a big difficulty seeing the stars in the sky but this was far different and shooting stars were much clearer on the dark night.

You wrapped your cardigan tight around your body and put on your sneakers before slowly and quietly walked away from the camps, trying to avoid not falling in one of the many robes that was hammered to the ground to keep the tents up. You probably weren't even allowed to leave your tent now but when everyone was asleep, nobody was there to catch you in the act.

The moon was shining bright and white in the air, being larger than normal and with the clear sight and no clouds clouding it, it was easier to see the darker grey mountains on the Moon. A beautiful sight you were grateful to witness. You had considered waking up Matty but you concluded that he was most probably snoring the life out of himself in the tent with Ryan.

You headed down the small hill that leaded up to your camp and ended down by the massive lake that was crowding the whole forest, the water reflecting the moon and creating an almost fantasy look, and a small smile creeped on your lips. You loved walking at nights with Matty. It was something that always seemed to comfort you when you couldn't sleep. Insomnia was always a killer but it always seemed to get defeated by the many walks you had taken throughout your life.

The otherwise peaceful moment was ruined though when you heard the sound of feet walking behind you and you turned around fast in panic, your breathing quickening and your heart pacing faster than normal.

"Hey... Didn't mean to scare you."

Your hand came up to feel your heart pounding and a small laugh escaped your lips when Luke smiled softly at you and placed his hands in his pockets, the black sweatshirt with his hoodie over his head almost making him look like A from pretty little liars but when he walked closer and the shine from the moon hit his face, he was more recognizable.

The Math Teacher // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now