Part 44: Iceland Pt. 4

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Even if the room was filled from top to toe with students everything was so dead quiet.

Matty could almost count every single snowflake falling down from the dark night, reflecting under the lampposts and falling on top of the already filled coated snow like a sheet over the town. At any other certain time he would have loved the sight in front of him.

But now it only seemed deadlier the further the seconds passed by without any sight of either you, or Luke, down on the streets.

Everyone was gathered around the living room, the rumors of your disappearance being passed by from student to student. Even Dylan showed up with a less frown than he had been wearing all day, the worry clear in his eyes too but Matty didn't have time to for that. He barely said a word.

"Oh my god, this is ALL my fucking fault." Brittany screeched while sobbing into an Icelandic sewed blanket, the mascara running down her cheeks while another student was sitting next to her trying to calm her down. She had been like this since the news.

"Can someone put a fucking sock in her mouth?" Matty commented for the first time in fifteen minutes, his hands letting from pressing his palms against the edge of the window frames. He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, but she had been mumbling out weird statements and whines for so long he was on the edge of becoming more frustrated than he already was.

"But it is my fucking fault." She cursed again in sniffles and dried off the mascara with the blanket. "I mean, if it wasn't for me always having to speak before I think she wouldn't have gotten upset and you wouldn't have to let go of her so she ended in the back."

"You don't think I feel guilty too?" Matty questioned and swiped away some curls sticking in front of his forehead. "I was the one letting go of her at first! If I didn't just follow with her to the back with Mr. Hemmings I wouldn't have to deal with the guilt creeping over my spine now! She would have been here instead of being buried outside god knows where!"

Brittany nodded her head understanding while drying her nose in a Kleenex, pressing the dirty tissue into her friend next to her.

"None of you should blame each other." Miss. Lauren broke in and moved away from the window as well.

"This isn't something we're used to and even if it seems cool and fun on TV it's not the slightest amusing. It's a part of the nature but it is also so dangerous everyone has to stick together to take care of each other. The snow was everywhere, the wind was so loud by the ears and we could barely see a hand in front of us. All we have to do now is to hope that Y/N has just found a place to seek shelter and isn't that far from the hostel."

Matty and Brittany looked at each other for a short moment before nodding their heads agreeing to Miss. Lauren's statement. Britt was looking so different apart from normally. Matty couldn't point out whether or not it was fake but by the way she was acting it was too good to be fake.

Taking a seat down on the coffee table in front of her he looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "If you hate her so much why are you so upset?"

She stared at him while biting her bottom lip, her teeth digging into the flesh before she sighed.

"Because in the end I actually enjoy her personality. It's not that I hate her. We've just developed this friendship where we act like we don't work it out but in the end I think we have a lot more in common than we pretend to. God, things are just so hard when you realize how close to death your friends are."

She wiped away another tear but had seemed to calm down her nerves. She wasn't breathing heavily like before and for the first time a small smile embraced her tired and heated face. The fireplace in front of the couches was doing a spectacular work but it was also a huge need because of the weather outside.

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