Part 22: The Dinner

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Luke's hand was tightly wrapped around yours, his thumb drawing patterns along the skin on the back of your hand as he opened the front door to the entrance of his old family home. The instant smell of pork in the oven invaded your nostrils and a bubbly feeling streamed through your veins by the delicious smell.

"We're here!" Luke greeted even though nobody was in sight, and he politely turned around to take off your coat before his own. He kicked off his shoes in the middle of the hallway like he hadn't moved out at all, waiting for you by the end of the doorframe. You rolled your eyes by his fast movements and took of your shoes, placed them by the wall so it wouldn't look as messy like Luke.

"Ready." You smiled, a rush running down your spine by the small voices faint in the living room. You were nervous as hell and you had no idea why. Normally, you were an outgoing person, the total extrovert. But meeting someone's family had always been a difficult task, especially because you knew you would have to make a great impression.

"I'm so glad you could make it, both of you." Liz added with a warm smile as she came up to you from the kitchen, wearing a red apron and having a dry cloth in her hands to dry off her wet hands.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for anything." Luke greeted and bowed down to embrace her small frame, engulfing her in his arms before planting a small kiss to her cheek.

"Hi Y/N." She smiled all over her face when pulling away from Luke and instead of a typical handshake, she pulled you into her arms in a warm motherly embrace.

"Thanks for inviting me." You politely admitted when you pulled apart and she kept her hands on top of your upper arms. "No problem. We're all buzzing with the fact that Luke has finally found love in his life."

She looked up at her son with the same smile, and Luke nodded his head agreeing with half wide eyes, glancing over at you with wiggled eyebrows.

"Well I hope you're hungry because there's food enough to feed the entire population of Sydney." She laughed in joy and clapped her hands together, and you followed her and Luke out of the entrance and into the living room that was attached to the kitchen, a huge dinner table standing in the middle, all dressed up for the small event occurring.

You were met by his family sitting around the table, his grandparents on the long sight to the right along with his brothers and a girl – most probably a girlfriend Luke had mentioned her before to the left. His dad was sitting by the end of the table where a seat was available next to him, and you concluded it as Liz's seat because the only other place you could sit with Luke were by the end of the table where two chairs were unseated.

"Everyone, this is Y/N." Luke greeted with a hint of proudness in his tone, and you looked up at him with blushed cheeks by the sudden rising of his voice. All eyes went on you and they greeted back with hello's in unison. But that wasn't enough for you. Instead of just taking a seat like Luke did, you went past every single family member to shake their hands, showing off the politeness you had been taught to do throughout your whole life, and it also gave you the chance to learn their names.

He had tried to teach you all the names in lunch yesterday but it seemed to fail just as soon as you put faces to them.

"Nice done." Luke mumbled against your ear when you took a seat next to him, and you shrugged your shoulder with a hidden smile playing on your lips. Liz went into the kitchen but was still visible from your position, taking out food from the oven and making the last bits before she arrived back again with her hands filled with dishes.

"There isn't a limit to what I've cooked in this house. I woke up at 9am and have been working in the kitchen since then." She introduced as she placed the dishes around the table, everyone helping her by making space and removing things from the table.

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