Part 34: Catch Fire

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"Honestly I've found the perfect senior quote for you for the year book." Matty grinned and leaned against the lockers, his arms crossed and a smirk plastering on his face.

"What?" You almost whined and rolled your eyes, preparing for what he had in mind.

"I spent more of my time in detention rather than my actual classes."

Matty couldn't control the laughter coming out of his mouth, his eyes widening in tease when you crumbled the purple note in your hands and threw it towards his direction.

"Come on, I mean how many times do you think you've spent time at detention just in our senior year?" He questioned and raised his hands in surrender, smiling down at you when you threw your books inside your locker and smacked it closed.

"Too many times for my liking. Great that we're done soon though." You giggled and moved down to pick up the crumbled note, folding it out to make it look decent. This wasn't supposed to happen, you had tried your best to meet up at time this morning. But with Luke, things didn't go as planned and when the detention note was planted in your hands you immediately saw your Friday night vanish away.

But it was fine. You were getting so used to it, it was almost like detention after Friday's classes had become one of its own. And being accompanied by Mr. Smith and his nonstop talking about his wife made the detention seem easy. It was only when there was a substitute for him that it would become a living hell, having to sit with a stack of papers in front of you that you had to make to kill the time.

"Well I hope you have a great detention." Matty grinned and leaned down to wrap you up in his arms.

"I always will. I even brought a pillow." You grinned and pulled it out of your back, making him instantly fits up in giggles and shake his head by your seriousness. You pretended to rest your cheek against it and make fake snores, already excited about the fact that you would spend the next hour sleeping on a table.

"You're so crazy. I'll see you on Monday." He waved and backed away, the two of you separating as he turned around and headed towards the exit of the school. You turned around with a sigh and headed towards classroom 77, a room you were so familiar with you could mention how many bricks on the wall that surrounded around it.

"What's with the fancy suit, Mr. Smith?" You commented as you walked inside, placed your bag on your usual table and took a seat down.

He secured the tie around his neck and winked down at you with a smirk, "It's my wife and I's 25th wedding anniversary. And for once I've taken out this Friday to invite her for dinner down by the beach. This new restaurant has opened and even though I'm not fond of seafood I'm doing it because of her. Do you think someone would notice if I sneaked in a burger and a bag of french-fries?

"I think that would be quite obvious." You giggled and grabbed your laptop from your bag, placed it on top of the table and opened it.

"Yes I feared that. Might as well just eat the salad that is served next to it, not that I look like someone who would prefer that." He rubbed his hands up and down his bloated stomach with a happy smile, moved down to grab his bag and placed it on top of his desk.

"Wait does that mean you're not gonna watch over us doing this detention?" Joshua questioned, a guy who had recently started at the high school but clearly didn't belong here. You had never spoken to him besides detention where he would always stick to the table close to the window. You never knew why he was sent down here but his attitude spoke for himself.

Your eyes widened by his question, realization hitting you. Of course Mr. Smith wasn't going to be here if he was preparing himself for a date with his wife. He nodded his head agreeing to Joshua's question and threw his bag over his shoulder.

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