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"You want a family, Don't you?" A smooth but eerie voice called.

"Yes! Of course!" I agreed, so badly wanting to know what it's like to have a family. Wanting to feel how it feels to be loved by another family member. A long, slender hand reached out towards me, stroking my cheek. The figure standing before me wasn't visible enough for features, all I could see was darkness and a hand. I could feel the cool breeze swishing around me.

"And a family you will get." The stranger cooed in my ear, making the hairs on my neck arise. This didn't feel right-I didn't feel right. A strong odor crept into my nose, the air was soiled by the smell of death. I looked up, trying to get a look at the strange character in front of me. But I couldn't. "Join me, young one. Is that what you want?" this was inviting to me. The voice was luring me in. I couldn't resist this offer. I nodded eagerly, waiting to leave and join this family. I was only five and alone. An orphan, wanting a child-less couple to love me and call me their own. The hand traced around my small jaw, tickling it slightly. "And all you have to do is get rid of Derek." the voice came for one reason and i knew that, but i couldn't resist the temptation. I felt a cool source coming from my hand, I glanced down and saw that I was holding a large knife. The moon light gleamed off of it as I inspected it. "Kill Derek." It whispered again. I nodded, ready to obey the command. Suddenly, the creature seemed alarmed, then rushed off. "Once you finish, you know where to find me."the thing called back to me. Fear struck me; where was it going and why? I thought that it wanted me!

The air shifted around me, picking up faster and stronger. I was in a small wind cloud, which made everything around me blurred. I couldn't feel my body or control where I was going, but I was aware of the knife in my hand. "Kill Derek. Kill Derek." These words repeated over and over again in my head. The wind died down, leaving my hair in it's place. I opened my squeezed-shut eyes to see that I was older now; seventeen. I looked behind me, feeling the presence of another being. It was Derek.

I was now standing on a small, wooden bridge, just a few meters behind him. Water sparkled on my left and my right. He wasn't looking. Now was my chance. This was his most vulnerable time. He was wearing a leather jacket, I couldn't see his shirt underneath. His black jeans and black hair made him blend in to the dark night. I could hear his loud heartbeat as he breathed deeply. I didn't know what he was doing, but I didn't care. This is my moment. I won't let it slip.

My whole body went into it's sneaky mode, clutching tightly onto the knife. You're all mine, Derek.

My feet rushed in a slithering way, I didn't feel like myself anymore. I was right behind him, I readied my knife in the air. I expected him to turn around and fight me, but he remained still and silent.

My breathing hitched when he finally turned around. He looked confused, his brows furrowed when he saw the knife.

"Aria, what are you-"

The knife dug deep into his gut, i watched as his body curled around it. I backed up slightly to look at what I've done. He sputtered for air, clutching where the knife is resting. He pulled it out and watched his shirt soak up the blood. Derek's facial expression was the worst of all; his greenish eyes showed fear, disappointment, and death. They flashed red, then his eyes slowly closed. It looked as if his body hit the ground in slow-motion. A low and quiet growl used the last of his air at the same time.

When his body looked vacant, I turned to look at the bridge with a satisfied smirk. Where is the figure? I did what it asked.

"Where are you?" I yelled, recalling that I didn't know what the thing was that promised me a family. "Come back!" I yelled even louder. That familiar scared and alone feeling crept into the pit of my stomach. I'm all alone again.

Before I could react, a loud, blood curdling scream escaped my mouth. It burned my throat, but I didn't stop. I killed Derek; the forest man.


This fan fiction is based on the MTV series Teen Wolf, thus I only own Aria and certain characters. All other characters belong to the writers and creators of the series. I will be going along with the main story line, just adding in events. I am very unsure of actually writing and publishing this, but oh well. Feedback is great! Thanks for checking it out!:)Xx

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