Chapter Twenty-Six

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Stiles huffed and the air caught his breath as it transformed into a small, white cloud. He clutched the straps of his backpack with his hands,"It's great to be back."
I snickered at his sarcasm,"Tell me about it." I stood beside him as we faced the school. Soon it would be fairly warm, so most kids were wearing shorts and very short dresses. I chose my jean shorts and a white V-neck with a heavy cardigan. My hair had grown since the accident and I kept it swept to the side, it held the usual loose curls. Since it was summer vacation when I was abducted, nobody had to see my bleached hair, except for Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Isaac.
"And me." Scott added, joining us. He didn't look as enthusiastic as he usually did. I knew it was about Allison because of the emotional waves he was giving off.
"How are things, Scott?" I asked, giving him that 'you-know-what-I-mean' look.
He squinted his eyes as he stretched and let out a huff of air,"Things are good." He sounded sure of himself, but I knew he was lying.
Stiles butted in as usual,"By that he means Allison hasn't talked to him all summer."
I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way.
"I chose not to call her- I didn't want any distractions." Scott protested. I understood what he meant. I knew that he was trying to 'remould' himself into a better student, son and friend. He read a lot and did workouts every morning. I gave him props.
I nudged Scott,"I'm proud of you. See, you don't need a girlfriend to do good in life. It's not always good to depend on other people."
He smiled softly.
"Yeah, especially not girlfriends with morbid grandfathers who want to skin your werewolf ass for a rug." Stiles commented, jokingly.
Scott and I rolled our eyes.

Isaac's scent drifted through the light breeze, I was captivated the minute I breathed it in.
I looked behind me to see him walking towards me, everything about him looked perfect. His jeans, worn and faded. His dark shirt, snug against his biceps. His eyes caught mine, his lips broke into a smile.
Scott coughed awkwardly, he grabbed Stiles' arm,"We uh...we'll leave you...I guess?"
I waved them off,"Yea, yea, whatever. See you in class."
Stiles scoffed and muttered something about 'werewolf hormones'. The two boys headed towards the school.
Being a werewolf, Scott could tell how I felt about Isaac. Those sort of things aren't hidden well within you. Others can have access to your feelings about others in the pack, unfortunately, sometimes they don't even have to be in the pack to know.
Obviously Stiles was fed the intel.
Usually I would give Isaac a ride with me to school, but he said he had something to do. He was probably just talking to Derek or something.

"Hey." I smiled as he drew closer.
As his response, Isaac pressed his lips to mine softly. I absorbed the warmth of his lips that transferred to mine.
"Ready for another day in hell?" He asked, pulling me into his side. His arm was wrapped around me protectively, as if I were to be swept away by someone else.
I pulled a face,"You bet." My words didn't mean anything, since school was next to nothing for me. I found everything to be a breeze.
"Looks like we have P.E together." He winked, then his blue eyes settled on the school. I knew that he always hated school since he didn't have very many friends before, but I hoped the new school year would be better for him, since he had me.
As I thought about it, the protectiveness I felt towards Isaac grew stronger. I have to have his back at all times.
I glanced up at him,"Looks like it. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." I smirked as he did the same.
"I don't think that's possible." Isaac chuckled quietly.
I shrugged,"Yea, I guess you're right."
He was right- It was never my intention.

Once Isaac and I were in the school, we parted ways as he went off to the boys' change room. While I found my locker, I also found Allison and Lydia. It was obvious that Lydia was looking for some new eye-candy. Since Jackson left for London, she was free game.
I still hadn't talked to Allison since; I was informed that she tried to shred Isaac's skin with daggers, yea that didn't sit well with me.
I guess Lydia received the memo of my indifference for Allison, because she flashed a small smile at me and didn't invite me into the conversation like she usually would. Allison didn't have a clue about my presence as she continued to rummage through her locker.
I waved slightly at Lydia and continued on my way.
The bell rung once I reached my locker and everyone sorted themselves into their classes. Most students dragged their feet to display how much they didn't want to be at school. I rolled my eyes and preformed my locker combination.

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