Chapter One

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Part One-

"Another nightmare?" Derek asked, eyebrows raised. I nodded, slowly playing with the spoon in my cereal. "Same one." I added, looking up and across the table at him. The dark stubble on his jaw and under his nose never seemed to go away, but it suits him.
"I heard you yelling again last night." Derek informed me, he seemed to be teasing me about it. "And you didn't come rescue me from that terrible dream?" I joked, knowing that he wouldn't. The last time he did, I scratched him across the face. He hasn't woken me up from a dream since.

"And get another claw mark across the face? Hell no."
I smirked at him,"What? Can't handle a punch to the gut, or kick to the balls?"
Derek chuckled and shook his head with laughter,"Just finish your cereal and get to school."

I scooped up the last bit of cereal in my bowl, then I set it in the sink. "I'll be back!" I told him, running up the spiral stairs of the loft. I have always loved this place, though I can't explain why. The loft is located on the edge of town. The property is just in front of the forest, so it's easy to escape back there.
Derek became the property owner after he fixed up the place, once he found it abandoned. The place never sold before because of its 'unique' extension. The loft was built on top of an old train station- concrete, decaying trains and all.

My room is the first door on the right side of the short hallway, while Derek's is on the other side and further down. I was lucky to get the room with a bathroom attached to it, while Derek has to go in the other one down the hall. There is a spare, though neither of us go in it. It was uncle Peter's room, until Derek burned him and slashed his throat, claiming role as alpha. Yup, I'm the fostered daughter of the alpha. But I don't really consider Derek as my 'dad', I think of him as an older brother. It's not like I had a choice; either way I'd still be a werewolf. He taught me everything he knew, though I've picked up on a few things. I have caught on to bows and other weapons with help from Allison, we're fairly close. Derek doesn't know about that-he'll figure out sooner or later. It's not like it matters.

When I walked into my room, I took a deep breath in, I felt good. Ya the wolf powers do help, but they have their downsides.
The floorboards creaked beneath my feet as I walked.

The walls that actually have colour are purple, while the other walls are just dark wood panels. The floor is wood, the walls are wood, my dresser is wood, my door is wood and even my bed frame is wood. Derek can't get enough.

I carefully planed my outfit(note the sarcasm), which involved black skinny jeans, converse high-tops, my black and white owl tank top and a cute lace bow in my long brown hair. I've always had longer hair, it only goes past my shoulder blades. I let it hold its natural and loose waves/curls. After I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and apply a small amount of makeup, I trotted downstairs again.

"Aight, I'm out!" I announced to Derek and scooped up my backpack.
"Have fun, kiddo. It's not like you need to learn anything else, but oh well." He responded, I wasn't quite sure about what he was doing. I never really know what he does in his free time- not that I want to either!
"Don't go slicing people's throats while I'm out, ok?" It was said as a joke, but I still meant it. Derek looked up at me while the corners of his mouth turned up in a smile. He raised both of his hands in surrender,"No guarantees!"
I laughed and was out the door.

Derek was oh-so generous and gave me a small black car; nothing special, but at least it's something. The little thing is sure as hell better than taking the bus!

I hopped in while flinging my backpack into the passenger side. The car rumbled as it started, then I drove down the pebbled drive way and onto the highway.

The loft is about a ten minute drive to the school, so I'm never really late. I pulled the car up into the school parking lot and found Stiles' Jeep. After parking beside him, I found the one and only Stiles Stilinski picking his teeth in his side-view mirror. When he saw me walk up behind him, he jumped and coughed awkwardly.
"No time to brush you teeth at home, Stiles?" I laughed, crossing my arms over my chest.
He huffed,"Oh no, I did! But I drove past the bakery and those fresh-baked brownies were calling me!" He made a face for dramatic reasoning.
I realized that I forgot my backpack in my car, so I walked along to the other side of his Jeep and grabbed my bag.
"Stiles, eat me. Eat me!"He echoed while I came back around to his side, bag slung around my one shoulder. I rolled my eyes,"You're one of a kind, Stilinski!"
He shrugged his shoulders with an innocent face. I was about to laugh at him, but I heard the familiar sound of a dirt bike. Scott.

He drove up beside us and killed the engine. He swiftly pulled the helmet off and stepped towards us. "Hey, friends of mine!" Scott beamed, he had a wide grin on his face, maybe it's because of Allison?
Stiles and I exchanged a look.

"Why so cheery?" Stiles asked, reading my mind. Scott was messing around with his bike before answering curious Stiles.
"Does this have to do with Allison?" I interrogated, it looked like I was right. Scott looked between Stilinski and I with his best no-emotions face. But then he cracked and the goofy grin spread across his face in a flash.
"Of course it's about Allison! What else?" He had that drag sound in his voice like we should've known for sure. You can tell how much he loves her and I think that it's adorable. They're cute together- he better not mess anything up with her!

Then something struck my mind, so I turned to face Stiles,"So how's your five year plan to get Lydia to fall helplessly in love with you going?"
I heard Scott laugh quietly behind me.
Stiles pointed a finger at me,"Just so you know, it's going fantastic!"
I snickered,"In your dreams, Stilinski!"

The three of us were interrupted by the school bell. Stiles held onto both straps of his back pack,"Well, ready for another day in this prison?"
I sighed,"oh yeah."

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