Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My ears were ringing.
I thought that I had opened my eyes, but all I could see was white. It felt like I was trapped in a blank, empty room in my head.
I couldn't feel anything.

It suddenly felt like I was yanked out of my trance.
I felt a cold floor underneath my still body. My head ached and my fingers were tensed, as if I were clutching something invisible.
Slowly, my eyes peeled open. I thought something was wrong with my eyes, but then I realized that I really was laying down. The tiles on the floor etched into my view.
Isaac was crouched beside me, his face stricken with worry.
But that was wrong; he wasn't supposed to be here. He was supposed to be dead, with a knife in his gut.
I remembered the blood, but it wasn't there. There wasn't a single drop of blood anywhere.
He was breathing beside me as if nothing happened.
"Where's the knife?" I asked just above a whisper. I swallowed harshly and relaxed my fingers.
Isaac slipped his arms underneath me and pulled me up into a sitting position. My back was rested against the lockers.
"What knife?" His blue eyes took me in. He was just as confused as I was. He looked at me like I was loosing my mind- I felt like it too.
My throat was dry, but I managed to speak,"You're supposed to be dead. The Sirens made me kill you." Just the thought of me killing Isaac hurt. I couldn't imagine ever doing something like that. Tears brimmed my eyes,"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I'm so sorry." It all felt so real. It really felt like I stabbed him. I could still feel the sensation in my fingers.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me and pulled me against him,"It's okay, just relax. I- I don't know what you're talking about."
I pulled back slightly and looked him in the eyes. My lip quivered at the sight of his confusion and worry,"The sirens were talking to me. They told me to kill you...and I did."
Isaac cupped my face in his hands,"Sirens weren't talking. You imagined it; I'm fine."
His words felt like a repeated punch to the gut.
It never happened. I never killed Isaac.
I felt relieved, but confused all at once. I also felt terrified as to how easily I fell under the siren's grasp. It made me think about how much power they really had.
How can they control me like that?
My mind was spinning with unsolved and unanswered questions.

"I have to get out of here. Now." I ordered, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. It felt like my throat was being crushed by a ton of weight and I was breathing in very little air.
Isaac nodded and helped me up. I kept an arm around his waist as he lead me out the front door. I didn't care about going to my classes. All I wanted was to leave.
I wanted to go home-
No not even there.
The sirens know that's where I would go. Besides, I couldn't face Derek with this hanging over my shoulders. He would be able to sense my troubles in seconds.
Isaac and I were in the parking lot, he fished out my keys from my pocket and unlocked the doors. He eased me into the passenger seat, then went over to the driver's side. All the while, he was buzzing with stress.
He started the car and pulled out of the lot.
I questioned wether or not Isaac knew how to drive, but then I remembered that I'd taught him how to drive over the summer. Mainly for moments like this.
The whole ride was a blur. I watched as the trees swooshed by us as we went on. Everything looked like paint smearing together on a canvas.
I didn't know what it was, but it felt like I couldn't get my head in the right place. I was having an inner battle with myself and the unwanted guests inside of me.
That's it.
They're the unwanted guests; the sirens.
They are latched onto my head. They've been speaking to me, taunting me in my head and body. We are forever bonded until the day I die.

"Stop." The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them. They came out more forcefully than I wanted.
Isaac glanced at me nervously, then he pulled into a parking lot outside of a corner store.
He turned the car off and put his head in his hands,"Aria, what is happening?" My inner crisis was taking its tole on Isaac. I never wanted any of this to happen.
Tears swelled in my eyes,"I-I don't know, Isaac. I don't know what's happening anymore." I felt hopeless. Nothing could stop the sirens from taking over my life completely.
Isaac almost looked afraid to touch me, like I was a bomb, waiting to be set off. Then he gently brushed my hand. His touch sent shivers up my spine, as if he was combating the plague of sirens inside of me.
"I have to take you to see Derek. I have to tell him." Isaac insisted. I could tell that he wasn't seeing any other resolutions around.
I got an uneasy feeling when I thought about the loft. That was the last place I wanted to go.
I swallowed harshly,"I can't go there. Not now."
His eyes drowned in hopelessness,"What else are we supposed to do?" His words waited in the air for my response.
I tried to think clearly, but it wasn't working. Only one solution came to mind-
"Take me to the motel. I'll stay there for the night."
My words were blank and empty. I wasn't sure if I was really saying them or not.
Isaac kept his eyes on me,"What about Derek?"
I chewed the inside of my lip,"Just tell him what happened. Go without me and stay there. I have to be alone tonight."
Isaac immediately objected,"I'm not leaving you alone at a time like this, Aria. You could end up actually killing someone."
"Isaac." I growled. It wasn't the time to be arguing.
Isaac fell back into the seat and squeezed his eyes shut. He took a deep breath, then as if he made up his mind, he started the car up again.
I stayed silent for the rest of the drive.
The car was filled with a bitter silence. My senses were cutting in and out, but I couldn't ignore the glances that were constantly thrown at me, as if he were waiting for me to explode. I was a grenade and I knew it. The sirens could take me at any moment, but instead they buzzed quietly in my ears. They whispered to me in a hush.
After about five minutes, Isaac pulled the car up to the motel lot. It wasn't the shabbiest place, but it also wasn't the best. Golden toilet paper holders and caviar weren't to be expected.
He killed the engine and sat back in his seat, a huff of air left his soft lips. I looked straight ahead of myself- I didn't want to see the pain and worry in his eyes. I clenched my jaw and reached for the door handle. I popped the door open and was about to get out, until Isaac grabbed my wrist lightly.
Finally, giving in, I snuck a look at him.
His blue eyes were swimming with concern, his hands were cold against my skin.
"What?" I blurted, swallowing after I said so. I didn't mean to sound so snippy. I closed the door and sat back down in my seat.
It looked like his mind was racing, like he had so many questions that nobody on earth could answer.
He cleared his throat,"What are you planning on doing?"
I furrowed my brows at him; I thought it was obvious.
Isaac noticed my expression and shook his head,"No, I mean what will you do when I'm gone? You can't stay here by yourself."
I scoffed,"I think I can fend off a few pedophiles." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him again.
"Aria, please just think for a minute-"
"Isaac, I can't!" I snapped, facing him again. I tried to steady myself, but it was hard. I was feeling neurotic and needed to be alone.
Isaac backed down, clenching his own jaw discreetly.
"You can't be around me! Not now. I'm dangerous. There are sirens in my head and they won't shut up for five seconds!"
"I've been around danger my whole life. I was living with a ticking time-bomb." His hand cupped my cheek, warmth spread throughout me. As much as I wanted to embrace it, I couldn't. I had to be alone and combat this plague on my own.
I shook him off and took a deep breath,"Isaac. Please. I don't want to hurt you."
Just as my words left my mouth, Isaac made up his mind. He knew that he couldn't argue with me for long, so he huffed and propped the door open,"Fine. But I'm getting the room for you."
I nodded.
Fair enough.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now