Chapter Seven

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I kept thinking about Isaac and what happened tonight. The same scene continuously replayed in my head when his dad threw that glass pitcher at him, and how Isaac just crumbled in the corner with fear. I can't imagine living in a household like that.

Now he's broken. He only smiles on certain occasions. Tomorrow night all he will care about it mauling people. Some life.

I curled up on the couch in a bundle with my blanket around me, I was in extreme comfort and my eyes started to droop.

Then, I fell into a deep slumber, thoughts still running in my mind.



"Aria." I felt a light shake to my arm, but I didn't move a muscle.


My eyes snapped open and I saw Isaac standing in front of me. He was dressed in black pants and a dark V-neck shirt. Obviously Derek's.

"Why are you waking me up?" I sleepily asked, closing my eyes again and letting my head droop to the side.

"Because if you don't get up now, then you'll be late for school." He answered, holding his hand out. I opened my eyes again, smiled slightly and took it. His hand was warm and it felt nice. Wait..what?

"Fine, I'm up." I muttered, tossing my blanket to the side. I heard a soft laugh behind me as I walked to the kitchen.

"What's so funny?" I grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I opened the freezer and pulled out my Egos. Hell ya.

"You're not much of a morning person." I gave him a funny look.

"You're not?" I asked, popping two waffles in the crappy old toaster. Oh well, as long as I get my Egos.

He shook his head,"No. I always get up early."

I narrowed my eyes,"What kind of teenager are you?"

Isaac just laughed slightly and put a book in his backpack. When did his backpack get here?

"Play nice." I heard Derek call from the stairs. I stuck my tongue out at him,"Bite me." He put his hands up in surrender, while walking down the steps.

"Calm down, sleepy head. The kid needs a ride to school, so be nice." Derek finally said, patting my shoulder when he walked by me. I turned to face Isaac and he smiled quickly, I nodded. "Will do."

Isaac occupied himself in a different room and Derek walked up to me,

"Remember what I said about watching him?"


"I don't know how he will feel during the day, but still watch him." Derek's eyes were particularly bright today.

I nodded again and busied myself with my egos.

"I have to go, so have fun at school." He told me, jogging out the door.

"Today's going to be fun alright." I muttered, cutting my waffles.

"Ready, Freddie?"

I strapped my seatbelt in and started the car. If I didn't start driving now, then we would be late. Why didn't I think of setting my alarm?

Isaac nodded, doing up his seatbelt as well.

I pulled out of the loft driveway and rolled on to school.

When we got there, most people were just going in to the school. I could see Scott and Stiles going through the doors in a sea of people.

After locking the car, I swung my bag around my shoulder and started walking on the pavement. My converse lightly padded against the ground. Isaac was still walking beside me, I'm surprised that he didn't run off some where. Who does he hang out with? Huh.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now