Chapter Three

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I just got to the door, when I almost ran into Derek. We sidestepped out of each other's way. "Where are you going, Derek?" I asked, not seeing him carrying the keys to his 2010, Chevy Camaro. He cleared his throat as he walked down the stairs past me.
"Derek?" I questioned, furrowing my brows.
He stopped and looked at me quickly,"I have duties as alpha. I wont be back tonight, so I'll see you sometime tomorrow." I just stood there as he walked through the woods. I could hear his footsteps as he crunched down the twigs and plants.
"Ok?" I quietly said more to myself. Whatever that was about. I have the house to myself now, time for homework.

I sang loudly, jamming out to my favourite songs. Leave me alone with music and this is what happens. I finished my Chemistry homework a while ago, so I decided to do some drawing. I sat cross-legged on my comfortable bed, my sketch book and pencils were spread out around me. My book is filled with portraits of people and how I remember them. For example, I drew a picture of Scott and Allison smiling together. I also have one of Derek and his big smile. A lot of people don't see him smile, but since I've known him for how many years, I see him smile all the time. Scott often says that Derek only smiles for me. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I think that my drawings are pretty realistic. It's like they're really there. I even have one of Peter.

It's almost midnight now, I knew that Derek wasn't going to be back tonight so I didn't bother waiting around. I curled up under my duvet and fell fast asleep listening to Coldplay.

It was late Saturday morning but Derek wasn't back yet. I couldn't help but feel worried. Ya he is the big, bad alpha, but that doesn't mean that he can't get hurt. There are more things out there than most people know of. I just happen to be aware of one of them.

I didn't know what to do since I was finished my homework and there wasn't much to do at the loft. My shooting could use a little sharpening up, I thought. I got dressed in jeans, a black hoodie and my black boots.

I ran downstairs into the dusty basement to retrieve my bow and sheath of arrows. I hide them in a special spot just because. It's cool down there because an old Underground Railroad runs through it. But it's been untouched for many years, there's even part of an old train down there. It almost looks like a vacant subway station.

Deep in the woods I had set up a small shooting range with a hay bale or two, slabs of wood painted like targets and glass bottles in trees. Even though I have super speed, razor sharp claws and fangs, sense of smell and super hearing, I like being able to use a bow. It makes me feel a bit normal I guess.

I readied my feet, loaded my arrow and aimed for a wood target. I pulled the string back tight and released it. The amazing rush of the arrow flying through the air made me feel good. It was a direct hit. Dead centre. I sent more flying at all targets, mostly getting bulls-eyes.

A crack of a stick breaking captured my attention, I could imagine my inner-wolf's ear flick back and forth, listening closely. I snapped my head to look behind me, waiting to hear another sound again. My senses were buzzing and paying very close attention. I heard another sound, but this one was a shrub moving. Just in case, I loaded my bow and aimed. My breathing grew quiet as I waited. I couldn't help but feel the tang of uncertainty.

Out if no where, Scott jumped out of the bushes with a grin. He quickly froze and put his hands in the air. I lowered the bow and exhaled deeply. Only Scott.
"Jesus! Don't sneak up on an armed girl like that!" I exclaimed, turning back around to face my targets.
Scott laughed,"Surprise!" I shook my head slightly then let the arrow fly at a glass bottle. The whole thing shattered in a matter of seconds.

"Nice shot."


Scott kept chuckling behind me, he thinks that he is just a jokester!
"If I had let it go, then you would've been that bottle!" I warned, taking a seat on a log.
Scott pursed his lips together,"Remind me to never do that again!" I laughed and took out the water bottle I brought, taking a big swig.

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