Chapter Twenty-five

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The summer break went by fast, which meant that the new school year was starting up again soon. Ugh. I admit that it was good to be away from that place filled with hormone-crazed teenagers and people trying to find themselves. Talk about pity-parties.
So that I didn't want to rip Isaac, Peter or Derek's heads off, I hung around Stiles and Scott more, just for my own good. Allison had apologized for everything that happened, claiming that she was 'brainwashed' by her grandpa and that she acted on impulse. True and true, although I still don't think that I can forgive her fully. Her sudden allegiance to her family screwed everything up royally.
After dick-head Peter attempted to see Isaac's memories when he was abducted, we went to Deaton. He used a technique that involved lowering his heart rate...and a tub full of ice. We actually managed to find out what we needed, almost killing Isaac in the process. After that, it just hurt. It hurt to see Isaac that way. I had to convince myself that he was okay, just to go along with the plan.
We found Boyd and Erica in an old bank vault in town, although only Boyd made it out. The pack of alphas killed Erica. She was already gone when we found her. It wasn't just them who we found, it was also Stiles' old friend. She was killed too. I didn't know Erica very well, since I never really tried. But it was still painful to see- she was part of my pack. Loosing a member of the pack is like loosing a limb. In a weird way, I respect her. When I think of Erica, I don't think of the girl who miraculously changed into one big ego, I think of the girl who fought. She was epileptic, but she still fought through all of the embarrassment. She was stronger than anyone gave her credit for.
Boyd was sealed away, blocked from the moon's rays, so he was absolutely psychotic when he was released. Although, we did manage to catch him.
Despite all that happened in those few months, I was okay. No Sirens, no voice, no nightmares. I had told everyone about the Sirens, but not about the voice.
That still hung around my shoulders.


"Why are you letting me do this?" Isaac asked, looking at me through the mirror. I sat in my desk chair in the bathroom with a towel around my shoulders. My bleached hair was down and untouched.
"Because I trust you." I didn't sound very sure of my words, even though I do trust him. It's's my hair. To be honest, I was scared that he was going to completely screw everything up- well more than they already were.
Isaac held up the bottle of hair dye,"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want me to do this?" He stood behind me with a not-so confident expression.
"Yes, just do it!" I laughed, clutching the ends of the towel.
"What if I turn your hair purple or something?" Isaac overthought, snapping the tip off of the bottle.
"Isaac, don't you dare say that."
He laughed and turned the bottle upside down, poised to dye my hair.
Isaac and I were talking the other night and I decided that I wanted to dye my hair before school started again. So, we went to the store and bought the closest shade to my old hair colour. Isaac wanted to do it for me- I didn't really know why- but I thought it was sweet, so I agreed.
"Ready?" An anticipated grin danced across his face, his blue eyes in the reflection connected with mine.
I nodded,"As ready as I'll ever be."
"You can't blame me if something goes wrong-"
"Isaac!" I laughed, cutting him off.
With the gloves on his hands, Isaac began to spread the dye throughout my hair.
Once the time began for me to hold the dye in, Isaac decided to start having fun with it. He formed my hair in the weirdest ways- Mohawks, side ponies and other strange styles.
It entertained him, so I didn't stop him. It made me laugh at how much joy he was getting from it.
Then I realized, we weren't arguing, training or forming a plan to stop something. We were being teenagers. We were having fun.

Isaac sat on the countertop as I brushed out my now dark hair. It was good to have it back.
Isaac got off of the counter and played with my hair between his fingers,"It looks good." He smiled as he admired it.
"I guess you didn't dye it purple." I joked as I cleaned everything up. I wheeled my chair back into my room, Isaac stood in the doorway between the bathroom and my room.
"I'm glad, or else I wouldn't be alive."
It felt good to have him around, just to hangout for a while.
"So why did you want to dye my hair for me?" I questioned, just as the thought popped into my head.
Isaac looked up with a sincere expression,"I wanted to help out." I walked towards him, so that we were standing close.
His smile slowly faded into a more serious look,"I could tell that it was hard for know, what happened and everything. I just wanted to make you feel better." I don't know what it was, but the topic seemed to drag him down a bit. I guess it was him feeling like he couldn't do anything about it.
He was right- the past few months haven't been easy. Ya, there weren't any strange things going on, but I kept remembering the things Vince had said. But most of all, why did he think I was my mother? Why did he have to take me?
I smiled with appreciation towards Isaac,"You already have made it easier for me." I slipped both my hands into his and looked up at him.
"How? All I've done is watch you question everything that happened, without being able to help." He kept his eyes low.
I brushed his cheek with my thumb, he met my eyes, sorrow swam in his.
"Isaac, you helped just by staying around me." I reassured him, pulling him close. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in his chest.
I felt his jaw clench as he rested his head against mine,"I don't like feeling useless."
"Trust me, you aren't useless."
Isaac tightened his arms around my shoulders, embracing the comfort I was radiating. Finally I thought I got it into his head.
"Thank you, Isaac. For everything." I murmured into his chest, breathing in his beautiful scent.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now