Chapter Twenty

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"You're not who you think you are."
A voice whispered softly in the breeze, taken away with the withered leaves.
"You're not doing what you should be. The world has better plans for you."
I shakily climbed to my feet and pressed a hand to my forehead. My skin was chilled and pasty. Confusion pounded against my skull. Where am I? Who's talking to me?
"They're waiting for you, child."
Child. The only other 'person' that calls me that is the voice.
My eyes focused on my surroundings; dark trees, dark ground, fog, the wooden bridge and the sparkling lake all created the typical setting. The moon hung in the sky, smiling down on the lake.
I spun around, trying to find a face that matched the voice. With no success, I began to feel anxious and afraid.
"Give in to them, my love."
The air around me suddenly felt hot and sticky, almost like it was trying to choke me out. Salty tears prickled my eyes.
"Who are you?" I screamed, panicking. I couldn't breathe properly- I started sputtering and gulping harshly.
"We want you!"
A different voice shrieked, forcing me to my knees. I clutched my ears just to block out the overwhelming voice. It sounded familiar to me as well, almost like the voice of a Siren.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled, feeling the tears streaming down my face.
A loud cackle echoed in the trees around me,"We can't do that. We're Aria-bound!"
It felt like all of my happiness was yanked from me, my innocents ripped to shreds. My confusion got the best of me and everything turned to darkness.

I jumped in my place, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the light. I hastily wiped my forehead to feel the cold sweat, I sniffled and looked around.
Derek sat beside me, his eyes filled with worry. He relaxed and let out a huff of air.
Derek is awake- he's not passed out anymore!
"D-Derek?" I stammered,"you're...awake and alive!" I wrapped my arms around him, absorbing his heat.
It took him a moment, but he hugged me back- like an actual hug.
"You scared me." I whispered, resting my chin on his shoulder. I always used to do that when he would hug me if I got scared or upset. Some how it comforted me more.
"I know, but you did good Aria. You kept me alive." Derek said, after we pulled apart. A hint of a smile was settled on his face. He lifted his shirt up and examined his body; everything was back to normal.
A wave of relief showered over me, but the questions from before all came swimming back. My head started to ache.
I looked over at Derek with a puzzled expression,"Why didn't you tell me about the bullets before?" I went straight to the point.
Derek shrugged, but he winced a little. I guess his body is going to be sore for a while.
"I thought that I could get them out myself, and you looked so keen on visiting Scott that I didn't want to bother you." Derek almost sounded ashamed for the actions and like he was being a nuisance. I guess Isaac was right.
I frowned towards him,"Derek, it's my job to help you and to heal you. I can't do that if you don't tell me when you need help."
Derek nodded, his eyes fell to his feet.
"I mean it. If I am a part of your pack, then I want to be treated like it."
Derek raised his head, as if he was surprised of what I was saying. I don't know why this is such a shock to him.
"Just because you raised me, doesn't mean that you have to protect me from everything." I added, watching as he lowered his head again. A strange feeling settled around him- I didn't know what it meant.
A sigh left his mouth,"Aria, you don't know how it feels to have raised someone and watch them risk their safety. I don't mean to, but my instincts tell me to keep you out of harm's way."
For some reason, his words made more sense to me. His instincts are like mine; protect everyone before yourself. I always feel the need to protect my friends and to defend Isaac. It makes my skin crawl and blood boil whenever someone tries to hurt any of them- it must happen to Derek too.
I smiled faintly and placed my hand over top of his, Derek gave me his undivided attention,"I don't know how it feels, but I do know that you have to let me go every once in a while and you have to trust me."
Derek nodded once, understanding what I was laying down.
I stood up and handed him the bottle of water on the bedside table. Derek thankfully took it and watched me as I walked towards the window sill. I sat on the frame and glanced outside. The sun is slowly rising from the horizon, meaning that it's just early morning. I slept through a full night. Good thing it's only Saturday.
I glanced over at Derek when I heard him speak,"If I have to trust you, then you have to tell me what's going on."
I raised my eyebrow,"What do you mean?" I had a funny feeling in my gut.
Derek sat up more in the bed, he seemed nervous about the topic,"I mean with you. I know that something is wrong and that things are happening."
My blood chilled and my palms became sweaty.
I knew that this was going to come up some time soon. I just didn't know when.
I crossed my arms over my chest and gazed out the window, trying to place my words carefully. I can deal with telling him about the Sirens, just not the voice. I need more time.
"The Sirens are back, Derek." I looked at him, desperately and confused. More shock was plastered onto his face.
"The nightmares are getting even worse and I see them more regularly."
"You've seen them?" Derek demanded, his voice laced with worry.
I nodded,"Yes. I killed one a week or so ago. One was here last night, but it just looked at me, then left."
Derek's eyes grew like saucers,"One was here- Why didn't you tell me this before?! This is serious!"
I winced at his tone.
Derek took a deep breath and calmed his voice,"Sorry."
I nodded,"It's fine. But what do they want with me?"
He shrugged,"What do they tell you to do?"
"To kill you."
Derek's features went soft and he actually looked scared. I've never...ever seen him like that. Fear danced in his eyes and he hesitated before speaking,"I don't know what to tell you."
I swallowed harshly,"Why do they go after me? What did I ever do?"
Derek looked up at me,"You did nothing." He reassured.
From the look on Derek's face, I could tell that he knew something...but what? His reassurance just wasn't cutting it.
I looked into the trees covered with dew and thoughts swam in and out of my brain.
Derek has to know something, but why would he keep it from me?
I shoved the thoughts away and shifted my attention to Derek.
"When's the full moon?"
Derek tilted his head up,"Friday."
I could feel the nerves creeping up on me, since we now have Isaac, Erica and Boyd to look after. If any of them get away some how, then we're screwed. There's no way that I'm skipping out.
"Don't worry about it, I'll handle them." Derek added, yet again pushing me away from any harm.
I folded my arms over my chest and stood up straight, lifting an eyebrow.
"Derek." I growled, telling him that I mean what I've said. I'm helping no matter what.
He shrugged,"I can handle them; they're only three little betas."
I rolled my eyes,"Yea, three little betas who's powers will be maxed out! You know how strong they will get!"
Derek smirked,"I'll get stronger too."
"Im helping you and that's final!" I demanded, walking away from the window.
Derek grumbled something under his breath and sighed loudly,"Fine! But if it gets out of hand, then you're leaving."


"I'm so excited!" Lydia squealed over the phone. I could hear her rummaging through her closet, prowling for something to wear.
I laughed and pulled the speaker away from my ear, since everything is enhanced with my hearing.
"How many people are you inviting?" I asked, flipping the cover of my text book closed and tossing it onto the floor. I sat back on my bed and fiddled with the hem of my sweater.
"Two-hundred!" She answered, dragging out the 'hundred' part. Lydia is definitely the type to brag, so I usually just go with it and act excited. I feel bad since I can't actually go and she's expecting me there.
"I can't wait! I bought you and Allison these super hot dresses! Everyone is going to be so jealous!" The guilt stabbed at me, I have to tell her.
"You always have extremely fun parties, Lyd, but I don't think that I can make it this year." I swallowed deeply and squeezed my eyes shut.
"What?!" Lydia screeched, partially deafening me,"What's more important than my party?!"
I paused to try and think of a good enough excuse,"Derek is taking me to...his cottage for a visit. We're leaving tomorrow and staying until Sunday." I mentally punched myself for that. I started to chew on the inside of my lip.
She won't believe it. She's not going to buy it. I'm dead.
"Since when does Derek have a cottage?" Lydia interrogated. I could just imagine her standing next to her bed covered in clothes, hands on her hips.
I shrugged to myself,"Since a long time apparently, he just told me uh...yesterday." I sat hunched over, preparing myself for the screaming-fit.
Lydia huffed loudly- very, loudly,"Fine! But I'm expecting a kick-ass birthday present!" She grumbled afterwards and continued to rummage through her closet.
I took a breath and relaxed,"Of course! Anything for you Lyd!"
"Well I gotta go, have fun at your cottage instead of my party!" She sarcastically muttered. Well, I deserved that.
"Bye, Lydia. Happy birthday tomorrow! Oh, and try to leave the boys not drooling this time." I smirked and got up from my bed.
I could sense the naughty grin on her face,"No guarantees!"
I hung up after she ended it, and I tossed my phone onto my bed.
Time to prepare for tomorrow's Full Moon battle.


Today is the day.
It started off as shit by the way; I woke up with a headache, I couldn't find my phone, we ran out of Egos and Neither Isaac or Derek were around. Lets not forget that it takes all of my strength to push my urges away. The werewolf instincts and powers are flowing in my body at full charge and it's hard to stop myself from shifting and hunting. This isn't the day to leave my self control somewhere else.
It's been almost a week since Derek's Wolfsbane-bullet catastrophe, so he should be okay now. He's going to need the strength.

I pushed through the door and wandered down the basement stairs. Derek stood in front of the abandoned train with the old trunk beside him, Boyd and Erica were together looking nervous and frightened. Now as for Isaac, he was leaning against a concrete support beam, arms crossed over his chest. His lips tightened in a smile when he saw me, his eyebrow raised and he suddenly looked interested. I don't know what it was but he had a sudden glow to him and all I wanted to do was kiss him senselessly.
I really need to control these werewolf-hormones.
Derek stretched and glanced down at the trunk filled with harnesses, chains and other devices used to hold back moon-influenced wolves,"Looks like we're all here. Lets get started."
I nodded and watched him as he opened the chest, flipping the lid back. He pulled out the chains sitting on top and set them in my arms. I grinned,"I remember these. I even remember when you trained me how to get out of them with my bare hands."
Derek's lips curled up,"You did pretty damn good for your first try too."
Isaac locked his eyes with mine and winked. A wave of attraction rippled through me. His blue eyes almost looked like they were teasing me.
Next was the nail-headband. Sounds comfortable, doesn't it?
It is literally made from thick leather, metal and screws that get twisted into the werewolf's forehead. I've been fortunate and never had to use it. Hallelujah.
"Who's this for?" Isaac questioned, inspecting it in his hands. By the look on his face, he knew that this wasn't going to be a trip through the flower fields.
Derek wiped his hands on his jeans after setting the harnesses on the floor,"That is for Erica."
Isaac raised his eyebrows,"Why her?"
"Because she can take more pain than you."
He shuffled his foot against the concrete floor and dropped his nervous eyes to his boots.
Derek shut the lid to the trunk and looked up at the three teens,"All of you will be in agonizing pain and it will feel like the only thing to make it better is to kill everything."
I shrugged and handed the chains and harnesses over to Derek again,"Lets not forget the anger issues."
Erica smirked,"Good thing I had my period last week then."
Oh, well that's good to know. Thanks for the info.
Derek cleared his throat uncomfortably and pushed past Erica and Boyd. I followed him into the train and watched him drop everything on the ground.
"What time is it?" Derek asked, taking a deep breath in.
I didn't even have to check,"Almost time for the moon to go up. I can feel it, and so will they."
He nodded,"Lets get them settled then."

Derek tightened the harness around Erica's torso and chained her arms to two rusting poles near her. Boyd stood behind her and secured his arms around her shoulders. Erica looked helplessly at Derek, her eyes were pleading.
"This is going to hurt." He mumbled, putting the headband around her head. He went right to it and started twisting the first screw carefully. The more it eased into place, the more it dug into her head.
Almost immediately, her cries echoed between the decaying walls of the train. Her cries turned into shouts, which then turned into bloody-murder screams. The sound made the hairs on my neck rise.
I tore my eyes from the scene and focused on Isaac's chains. I could feel his anxiety rising, which means that the affects of the moon are starting to set.
I hooked the old chains around the arms of the seat he was in and placed the cuffs around his wrists. My fingers quickly brushed his skin, which started to feel warmer than usual.
I locked the cuffs and glanced up at him before moving to his feet. Isaac looked like the pain was engulfing him slowly, his body was straining against it.
"How do you not feel this?" He growled, his voice came out huskier and darker.
I finished chaining his legs as tightly as I could,"Because I have an anchor- something to hold me down."
Isaac gritted his teeth,"What is it?"
Despite all events, I found myself smiling faintly when I looked up at him,"Derek."
Isaac started to pull against the chains, his face was twisted in pain.
By the look of the rust on the seat legs and hinges, I don't know how long it can put up with the force of Isaac.
I stood up and took a step back; Derek did the same.
All three of their eyes started glowing and they started growling. Their arms pulled on the chains, attempting to free themselves. Erica, with the screws in her head shifted first. Her teeth were snapping at Derek and I, her claws were pointed and extended. Boyd kept his head low while the deep growls grew louder and louder in his chest. I could tell that Isaac tried his best to fight it, but the shift was too strong.
All of a sudden, I could hear the sounds of chains snapping and bolts breaking. Soon enough, Derek and I were being looked at viciously by three moon-endured werewolves.

Derek was thrown forcefully down the train isle by Boyd. He landed with a thud and coughed roughly.
I looked at Boyd and Erica with taunting eyes, they may be more powerful tonight, but so am I.
I stood my ground and allowed the shift to take place. I could feel my teeth sharpen in my mouth and I growled at them. Normally, they would coward, but in a time like this it isn't an option. My claws peeked through my fingertips and extended until they couldn't anymore.
The wicked strength buzzed in me and sent me into overdrive. I snarled at the two and watched their steps carefully.
Boyd dove for my legs, but I jumped over him just in time and dragged my nails through his sweatshirt. He howled in pain, but got back up and snapped his teeth at me. Saliva soared through the air.
Erica leaped over the seats beside me and some how managed to pull my arms behind my back. Her grip was tight- actually very tight.
I swung forward with my body and threw her off, although Boyd took her place. I could feel his hot and heavy breath down my neck.
Boyd is strong as it is, but the full moon was making it cruel.
Erica pulled it together and got up to her feet, angrier than before. She scratched my face, breaking the skin on my cheek. Blood filled in my mouth.
I gritted my teeth to diminish the pain. Instead of swallowing the blood, I took advantage of the situation and spat it in her face.
Erica was about to tear my skin again, but was thrown yet again- this time by Derek. He looked full of rage and not to mention disgusted.
"Control yourselves!" He roared, pushing Boyd back with force. He only came back up swinging.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Isaac jumping through a window, smashing through the glass. Immediately, I took off after him. Instead of taking the window, I ran through the doorway to find him crouched near the floor, clutching his head in his hands. It looked like he was having an inner-battle with himself.
"Isaac." I calmly spoke, taking slow steps near him. My heart was pounding in my chest.
His head snapped up quickly and he rose to his feet steadily. It suddenly felt like my feet were planted to the floor and I couldn't move- I couldn't even run back to Derek.
He pushed me against the train roughly and hovered his one rugged nail above the healing slashes on my cheek. His eyes were glowing with the brilliant yellow shade, but they flickered blue momentarily. Something changed in him.
I expected Isaac to tear me apart right there, but instead, he nuzzled his head in my neck. Strangely, I felt comfort most of all.
"Isaac, fight it." I mumbled, getting lost in the warmth between us.
Isaac was shaking because of the shock his body was going through and his forehead was burning against my neck.
"It will be fine, just find an anchor."
There was a loud crash from inside the train, which caught Isaac's attention. He lifted his head and growled quietly. I felt protected for some reason, even though Isaac looked like he was going to kill me only seconds before.
Isaac quickly pressed his forehead to mine and connected his eyes to mine. Together, our eyes glowed, then he tore from mine and bolted towards the train's entrance.
Once I came to it again, I follow him and saw Boyd and Erica taking their turns slashing at Derek. Blood was seeping through his white tank top.
Again, my feet stuck to the ground and forced me to stay in my place.
Isaac angrily latched onto Erica and yanked her away. He roared at her and put her in her place. Derek did the same to Boyd, knocking him down a few pegs.
Derek and Isaac exchanged grateful glances, then Derek turned to me.
"Chain them up again." He mumbled, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth. He was breathing heavily, swallowing deeply.
I nodded, finally able to move.

Isaac sat patiently, still shifted, but under control. He held his arm out for me to cuff him up again. He just looked straight ahead when I tightened them and secured his feet to the ground.
Derek busied himself with Boyd and Erica once more. Finally, it was quiet, besides the sounds of chains and steel.
"Looks like you found an anchor." I breathed, crouching beside Isaac. Hopefully now he will stay put.
Isaac swallowed, not moving his eyes,"My father."
"Your father locked you in a freezer." Derek muttered from behind us, yanking on a chain around Boyd. He did have a point there.
"He didn't use to." Isaac said quietly, blinking absently.
I felt a stab of pity towards him; all of his family is dead. His mom, his older brother and most recently his dad. Poor kid.
I guess I'll have to be his family.
I stood up and sighed, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. Isaac didn't even move.
"Get comfortable, it's going to be a long night."

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now