Chapter Six

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"How did you know that it was going to happen?" Isaac quietly asked, raising his head to look at me as I drove. It was pitch black out now and the rain had stopped. I thought that was strange.

"I didn't know that was going to happen, something just didn't feel right to me." I honestly said. I don't even know what that thing was. It'll be hard describing it to Derek.

Isaac kept his stare on the road ahead, then occasionally he would look at the passing trees.

"Why did you?" Isaac was nervously tapping his foot.

"Why did I what?"

"Why did you save me from my dad?" His voice had a strange feeling to it, like he couldn't believe that he'd ever have to say those words.

I was going over the speed limit, but I didn't care,"You're innocent."

Isaac just looked at me as he jaw clenched slightly. "Thank you." It was just above a whisper. I faintly smiled,"You're one of us now. It is how it is." That is how I see things.

Isaac didn't respond, he just looked ahead. "Why aren't you freaking out right now?" His voice was the most shaken up I've heard someone in a long time. "I've seen things like that enough to know how to react." It didn't occur to me that my voice wasn't shaky at all, I seemed too calm for a moment like this.

"We're here." I said, pulling up to the loft. Isaac launched out and ran for the front door.

"Derek?!" I heard him shout from inside as I parked and ran in after.

I followed Isaac's scent down to the basement.

"Derek?" He yelled again, this time with more urgency. I padded down the steps and found Isaac walking into the abandoned train. He stopped when he obviously found Derek. By the time either of them said anything, I was already standing behind Isaac in the train.

Derek's eyes glowed red, then changed when he stepped into the light. "What happened?" He calmly asked, looking at the horrified boy.

"My dad...I think he's...dead." He struggled to speak. I could sense his complete shaky-ness and complications with understanding what happened.

"What did you do?" Derek responded, his eyes flickered onto me, then back to Isaac. Isaac's eyes were deep with emotion and uneasiness.

"It wasn't me. I didn't do it."


"Are you sure that you didn't see anything else?" Derek questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Completely." I answered, peering into the train where Isaac was. His hands were fixed in his hair while he looked down at the ground. I was placed on the stair case, while Derek asked me questions. I told him about everything that I saw, even what Isaac's father did.

"All I could see was a shadow and claws. It made hissing sounds when it ran past us. But something was dripping from the nails." I informed him, still wondering myself what it could be. Derek's head raised a little when I said the nails part. It seemed to intrigue him.

"What was it?"

"I don't know, but it was a clear liquid." I didn't feel like I was helping too much.

He nodded, then unfolded his arms.

"I'll figure it out, just go get some sleep. It's a full moon tomorrow, you'll need your strength."

I stood up to obey, but then I pointed to Isaac.

"What about Isaac? He can't go home."

Derek thought for a second,"You're right." Of course I am.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now