Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I told him. I told Derek everything.
After my night with Isaac, I realized how easily he could be taken from me- or how easily he could be forbidden from me. I need him in my life, no matter what it takes. Call me crazy, but I love him.
I had met up with him at the loft and told him everything from the sirens, to my breakdown, to the twins and to the voice in my head...that's really my dead mother. At first, I knew he didn't believe that my deceased mother was talking to me. I could see it in his face- his eyes spoke to me silently. But, he still listened through it with uneasy glances and flexing fingers. I knew that Derek and my mother meant nothing to each other, but it was still hard for him to hear.
Once Derek was finally let in on everything, he apologized about shitting a brick over what had happened with Isaac. He is now officially not kicked out.
Derek had the idea of me trying to 'interrogate' my mother, but I shut it down immediately and jumped right to the point.
I may not hear them anymore, but the sirens are still there and I need to get rid of them like they're vermin.
He agreed to help me figure out who this character is, whom knows the solution to my infestation.
It took is a while to think of the potential person, but then I realized something. Who is always shoved back under the carpet like that line of dirt you can never pick up with a dustpan? Who is unrecognized and unappreciated? Who resurrected himself?


My boots clanked against the wooden floor as I crossed my arms over my chest. Another pair followed behind me, along with sneakers. Scott and Stiles- my trusty sidekicks.
Peter stood, looking out the window at the fog that rolled through the town mysteriously. It wasn't uncommon for a thick sheet of fog to cover this monster-infested town; me being one of them.
"Aria. Scott." Peter turned around slowly, facing us, his hands shoved in his pockets,"And Stilinski." He pursed his lips together.
Scott threw me a glance and I nodded, reassuringly.
I pressed a fake smile,"Hey, Peter. Good to see you." I walked a little closer, the two boys following me.
Peter stifled a laugh,"Yeah, I'm sure." He lifted his head and leaned against the desk by the window, releasing a breath,"So just why are you here and not in school?"
"Because we have some questions." Scott said, standing close beside me.
Peter lifted a brow,"Oh? So now you want to listen to something I have to say? Now that someone's on the brink of insanity, I actually matter?" He looked disrespected most of all.
I clenched my jaw, since that person on the brink of insanity is me. Without the help of my mother's voice, I already would be way passed the point of crazy.
"Just listen to what she says and answer. Honestly this time." We all turned our heads towards the staircase where Derek sat on a step. Like I said, he's here to help.
Peter turned his attention back to me and sighs loudly,"Fine. What do you need to know?"
I smiled contently,"Just everything you know about sirens and how to eliminate them."
Peter tapped his fingers against his chin, exaggerating his deep thought,"Hmm, what do I know about sirens? Well, I know that they're slowly, but surely taking over your body and won't stop until they have yours and Derek's heads. Also, they're just royal dicks."
"Then I guess you're halfway there." Stiles snarked,"I mean, since you really are a high-class dick."
"Oh, please. Save your flattery for the red-head."
I growled, feeling frustrated already,"Just answer the question."
Peter sighed loudly, throwing his head back,"Don't you get it, Aria? I know what you're trying to do- you're trying to get rid of them, kill them and claim your body back." He stood up straighter and took a few slow and careful steps towards me.
I could sense Derek's high alert, though he stayed put.
"But." Peter dragged on, as he circled me carefully. "I don't hold the answer you're looking for. I don't excel in 'siren slaying'. I've never even seen one."
I focused on his heartbeat; steady. Very steady. Yes, he's had many years to practise harnessing his heartbeat. He's good.
I sighed and looked towards Derek for help, but he looked convinced as well. Although, Scott didn't.
"But how do you seem to know so much about everything else? I mean, you knew how to stop the Kanima and you just happened to resurrect yourself for what? Why did you come back so freely?"
"Because those I've studied and perfected. I've been around longer than you, kid." Peter stepped back, looking at us all at once,"Trust me-"
"That'll be pretty hard." Stiles muttered under his breath.
I rolled my eyes and elbowed his ribs roughly. He narrowed his eyes at me, but pulled himself together.
Peter glared at him, but continued,"As I was saying, just trust me. Trust me for once. I don't know how to get rid of them. I don't have any experience with them either. Obviously, I'm not the person to be asking." His eyes rested on me and I knew that he was telling the truth.
For once, Peter didn't have the twisted answer. For if he did, he would find the perfect way to announce it, without feeding us all of the info.
I sighed and uncrossed my eyes,"He's right. He doesn't know."
Derek stood up and sent me a nod, then he headed back up the stairs.
Peter threw his arms up,"See? Thank you!"
I turned my back to him and motioned for Scott and Stiles to follow me. Together, we headed out the door and continued to brainstorm.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now