Chapter Two

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Scott, Stiles and I headed off to our first class together; chem. great. My most favourite teacher ever will be awaiting us-not. I swear that this guy is always on his time of the month. It's odd since the three of us almost have all classes together. But I have an art class while they have workshop. After chemistry is English, next Gym, then Art by myself. That class is when I can escape the whole werewolf thing and be absorbed into my art.

As we walked to class, Scott and I drown out the sounds of Stiles complaining about something useless. Just like always.

"Alright class, get to your seats before I have the urge to fail one of you, just to see the suffering agony of your life going down the drain." Ha, great teacher, huh? I slid into my seat beside Allison, which was in front of Scott's and Stiles' desk. She gave me a warm smile.
"Hey." I greeted her, opening my text book to where we should be.
"Hi." She replied, doing the same.
I did a quick scope of the room, seeing who was in their usual spots and who was missing. Maybe Greenberg wouldn't be here today to try and copy my notes.
Damn, he's here.

I didn't see Lydia, but I just figured that she was late, so I gave my attention to Allison. I'll just thought to ask her later.

"Scott seems pretty happy today, why might that be?" I teased in a whisper. Allison tried to hide her huge grin, but didn't do a very good job.
Her simples were visible."None of your business." She giggled, writing down her notes, trying to act busy. Silent treatment, eh?
"Fine, don't tell me." I fake-dramatically said, only loud enough for the two of us to hear.
Allison stopped writing to talk,"It's just that things are really good right now."
I nodded with a smile,"I'm already naming your future children." I informed her, but she only laughed at me and continued to work.
"I'm serious."
Allison looked at me, with a 'really?!' face, I simply nodded.
"I'm thinking your first boy could be Scallison, then your second could be Ascott."
Allison giggled,"They sound like diseases!"
I thought for a moment,"Yea, maybe I should think this over."
She nodded, making her dark hair bounce,"yea!"

"You know that I can hear you, right Aria?" Scott's deep voice said behind us. He had an amused tone. Allison let her head drop onto her book in embarrassment. I laughed quietly and shushed him, but then Stiles spoke up.
"I was thinking that we could take out mr. Harris some how. Maybe with lasers, or tie him up in the closet and burn the school down."
I turned my head to give Stiles the 'what-are-you-talking-about' look. It seemed like Scott and Allison had the same idea as me.
Stiles huffed again,"Well it seems appropriate, since he shoots daggers at me every five seconds!" His voice got slightly louder, which caused people to look at him, either laughing or shaking their heads.

"Mr. Stilinski, if I hear your voice one more time, I will have my very first stuffed student head hanging on my classroom wall." I tried my best to hold back my laughter, but the whole class erupted in it.
"I have plenty of room for more stuffed heads." he added, basically telling us to shut up. It brings me joy when Stiles gets warned by the teach.
Stiles sighed, then gave Scott a look. "I'm telling you, man." He said this is a quiet whisper. I shook my head with one last giggle and carried on working.

The day was going by slowly, but it was finally time for the four of us to walk to our last class. Then I remembered what I was going to ask Allison. I moved over so that I was walking beside her. "Where's Lydia? I didn't see her in class at all." I curiously asked, then suddenly thinking about how obsessed Stiles is with her. Silly boy.
Allison sighed,"She's still at the hospital, but she should be back at school Monday."
I nodded, feeling bad for Lydia. She went through a lot. I guess that I just forgot.
"But." Allison began, growing a tight smile. "She's getting better and that's what matters!"
Stiles ran up behind Allison and I at the sound of Lydia's name,"I'm going to see her tonight!" He announced. No shocker there!
"Whatever you do, Stiles, please don't freak her out more than she already is!" I told him, but he just shrugged.
"What am I gonna do, huh? Like she doesn't already not notice me."
I patted his shoulder,"Don't worry Stiles, you'll find a girl soon!"
He huffed,"Not soon enough."

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