Chapter Fourteen

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"Did you get it translated?" I asked, jumping out of my car and joining with Allison and Stiles. I don't know where Scott is, but since he isn't here Allison can actually speak with us.

Allison sighed,"No, not yet. I can't get in to see her until lunch. We'll have to wait." I nodded,"Okay, just beware of Boyd and Erica. Derek is convinced that the lizard thing is Lydia. He wants to test her and see for sure."

Allison tucked a hair behind her ear,"Stiles and I discovered that its called a Kanima."

Stiles jumped in to the conversation,"We searched more about it and apparently it's a shifting jaguar."

My brows scrunched together,"How was that a jaguar?" Stiles and Allison both shrugged,"We don't know."

"Hopefully the guidance counselor can figure out what it says, then maybe it will help us out." Allison softly said, giving me a sad feeling. She seems off today, well I've been noticing this a lot lately.

"Are you alright, Allison?" I asked, a bit of sympathy laced my voice. She nodded, avoiding eye contact. "Yea, I'm fine." That was a lie. I knew this, but didn't push it. I know that when I'm sad about something, I hate when people continuously ask me if I'm alright.

"I need to grab something from my locker, I'll see you guys in class." I couldn't help but feel mixed emotions in her voice. She smiled tightly, then started to walk towards the big doors, clutching her binder against her chest. Something isn't right here.

I turned to face Stiles, he seemed completely oblivious to the whole thing.

"Did you notice that?" I asked, watching as he attempted to 'fix' his hair in the side-view mirror. Even though he basically has a buzz-cut, it doesn't stop Stiles from styling it. Or at least he thinks that he is styling it.

"Notice what?"

I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the direction Allison left in,"Her complete change of attitude? She's so quiet now." I felt the normal pain of a friend going through a bad time in my stomach.

"So? At least she isn't shooting arrows at you or Scott." Stiles said, still looking at himself. I slapped his hands so that he'd stop messing with his hair and pay attention to what I have to say. He started slapping my hands too, for a moment we looked as if we were having a cat fight.

The one-minute bell rung loudly, forcing me to wince to myself. Stiles saw and gave me a crooked smile,"I bet the wolf-hearing isn't so great now, huh?"

I laughed then slung my arm around his shoulder. We started to walk in the school,"Man, I can't wait to unexpectedly meet you in a dark alley!" The joke made him look scared, he realized what I meant.

I took my arm away when we reached my locker. I grabbed my Chemistry book and waited for Stiles. He was struggling hardcore with his door, I was getting very impatient, so I had to do something about it. "Jesus, Stiles. Let me try." I mumbled, simply opening the door with ease. Stiles glared at me,"Sure. Okay then!"

I looked down and my eyes locked on a sticky note, just sitting on the ground. I bent down and swiftly picked it up. After unfolding the crumpled paper, I read it,"Tell Scott about Jackson." I kept my voice quiet so that only Stiles and myself could hear.

Stiles smacked his forehead with the palm of him hand,"Gah! I forgot to tell Scott!"

"Tell him what?" I asked, clutching my text book. Stiles ran his hand over his hair,"Jackson told my dad that he didn't see Isaac's dad abusing him." The pieces clicked inside of my head. That's what Isaac needed Jackson to so for him. "So that means?" I pressed on, starting to walk to class. We decided to take our sweet time.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now