Chapter Twelve

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I pulled up to the loft, back to normal and mauling things over. Time to face Derek. I felt rebellious when I thought about how I just jumped on Derek like that. Most betas wouldn't dare. But I'm different. The way Derek's face softened too just made me imagine him saying to himself, 'don't hurt her'. He raised me like his own child, you don't just see some dedicated father beating the snot out of his kid.

I got out and put the keys in my pocket. I took a deep breath when I stepped onto the porch and through the door.

When I walked in, Isaac was sitting at the table. That table gets a lot of action, doesn't it? He wasn't wearing the leather jacket since I was so generous to ruin it. That's what you get when you turn into that kind of person. Isaac is still wearing the same jeans with a new blue sweater. He was looking at his hands with his mouth in a straight line.

"Healing up nicely?" I asked, feeling a sudden change of attitude. I walked past him and I grabbed a bottled water from the fridge. I heard him let out a breath of air, but that was it.

"What was that about, Aria?" My head turned to see Derek sitting on the stair case. He looked like he was waiting for me to get home. I know that he was talking about earlier when I defied him on the ice. I shrugged and took a sip,"I didn't exactly want to see Scott dead."

"I was teaching him a lesson." He sternly returned, parting his attached hands.

"I was teaching you a lesson." I countered, standing behind Isaac's chair. I pointed down on his head,"I was also teaching him a lesson."

Derek stood up, but stopped walking at the bottom step,"It wasn't necessary!" His voice was raised.

I nodded, disagreeing,"Oh, but I think it was." Derek was silenced and surprised by my sudden outburst. I've never acted like this before.

"Isaac doesn't know how to prepare for the dangers out there! You dressing him up like a wussy sure as hell doesn't help." I retorted, shifting my weight onto my one leg.

Derek started walking again, but this time in a stressed manor.

"None of this is your responsibility! Why do you even care?" Derek pressed, the vein was starting to pop out of his neck.

"But it is my responsibility!"

"How is it, Aria?" Derek interrogated, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest. He is not seeing the big picture here.

"Because I don't want to see another one dead." I snapped thinking back. I've seen too many deaths than I'd like to mention.

"Isaac isn't going to die." Derek reassured me, but I was still doubtful. I haven't even seen Derek train any one of them.

"What about the sirens? Huh? If Isaac or any of the others were to come face to face with them, they'd be goners." I felt the tears tang in my eyes, I won't let Isaac see me cry. The mention of sirens brings all of the memories and emotions back in a flash. I pushed passed Derek and walked out the door in a hurry. My feet led me over to my old tree house, I usually sit in here and think things over. Now or never. I scaled the makeshift ladder and sat in my usual spot. The house is literally a box made of wood sitting in a tree with a branch running through it. There's a window and a space for the door. It's big enough for me to sit in still and I'm content.

A tear ran down my face, but I wiped it away before others could come, my back is against a wooden wall. It's gotten darker out now and the moon was coming up, it's a half moon tonight. The moon has always fascinated me and I just love how it looks. A few clouds tried to cover it up, but the moon fought its way through them.

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