Chapter Eleven

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"What do you mean?" I asked Stiles over the phone. It was later at night after I finished all of my homework and completely avoided going downstairs. As far as I'm concerned, they didn't need me down there. I curled up on my bed, eating strawberry licorice and talking to Stiles. He was telling me how when they went skating a few hours ago, Lydia broke down and started screaming.

"I don't know, it was weird. She just started screaming. It took her a while until she stopped." Stiles sounded worried and confused. I felt the same.

"Do you think she was hallucinating?" I wondered, biting off a piece of candy. I heard him sigh,"It's possible. It makes sense with how she just got up and left the hospital the other night." I nodded. Then I remembered what I discovered a few hours ago.

"Guess what Derek did?" I told him, sprawling my arms and legs out on the bed comfortably.

"I'm not the only one playing guessing games now, huh!"

"Stiles shut up." I grumbled, then I heard him sigh again.

"What did Derek do?" I could feel that he rolled his eyes at me. Stiles likes to be sassy sometimes.

"He transformed Isaac into some want-to-be-bad-boy." I fought back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Is that why he wasn't at school today?"

"I think so. But since the police are looking for him at school, he didn't surface." I added, playing with the hem of my T-shirt.

"But you should've seen him though, he carried himself differently like he was top-dog or something." Just after I said that, I heard my door open.

"Speak of the devil." I muttered, seeing Isaac walk in and stand in front of the again-closed door. I instantly felt my blood start to boil.

"I gotta go, bye Stiles."

"Good luck." Stiles replied. I sighed and ended the call. I dropped my cell phone beside me and looked at Isaac.

"What do you want?"

My eyes followed him while he walked around the room in a slow pace, picking up certain items and then putting them back again. My gut was telling me that this is just a confidence boost, or how he is trying to cope with it all.

Isaac trailed to the end of my bed, he traced his fingers across the bed frame.

"I was just wondering when we're going to bed."

"Well I'm not going to bed yet." I answered reluctantly, occupying myself with my cell phone.

Isaac smirked,"I guess you wouldn't mind me slipping in beside you and falling asleep then?" Sleep in the same bed as me? i don't even want to be in the same room as him! I snickered,"It's called the guest room. I do believe that you are a guest."

Isaac gave me an uneasy face,"You'd actually let me sleep in that dirty room?"

It is my turn to smirk at his change of mind.

"Uh, yea. It's either that or the couch." I sassily settled, leaning against my pillow. Isaac just looked at me for a moment, I couldn't tell what he was looking at but it was weird. Just like before, his head was just barely tilted as he held that crooked grin again.

"I guess I'm not the only one that changed."

I sat up a little straighter and I sent him a glare,"What are you playing at, Lahey?" I honestly can't understand how this drastic change just happened. Where did the innocent boy I saw in high school go? Or the boy who had a heart? I don't even want to be in the same room as him, let alone have a conversation with him.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now