Chapter Four

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"Alright, everyone. Please hand in the latest assignment." Mrs. Lee said to the class, just as everyone was walking in. I picked up my pastel work and brought it to her desk, she took a look at it and smiled wildly. "This is very good, Aria. Keep it up." She praised, her brown eyes twinkled a little. "Thank you." I responded, walking back over to my desk. As usual, we already had something else to work on, so I took out my canvas.

I didn't ever realize that Isaac was actually in my art class. I don't pay very much attention to things like that. It's late Monday now and Lydia still hasn't been found. After Scott and I lost her scent yesterday we had to call it quits. Even the K-9 unit can't find her. I don't know how her scent can be masked like that, but it's working. I have the feeling that it wasn't just a casual stroll in the woods.

Mostly everyone was finally here now, so I wasn't as distracted. The desk beside me was still empty. What, do I smell or something? I swear that I showered this morning!

"Mr. Lahey. You're late." I heard mrs. Lee say after about ten minutes of class time.

"I'm sorry, I got held up because of the grave theft last night." Isaac said at her desk quietly, but my hearing picked up on it. Graveyard theft?

"Its alright, I understand. Did you finish the assignment?" Isaac shook his head,"No."

She pulled her lips in a straight line,"Isaac, you need to finish your work. I have at least six unfinished projects from you." He nodded, his jaw clenched slightly. "Go finish." Mrs. Lee instructed, making shooing motions with her hands. When he left she picked up her paintbrush again.

I turned my attention back to my painting, just so that he wouldn't know I was listening.

The empty seat beside me was the only one left in the class, so he had no choice. Isaac didn't seem bothered as he sat down.

"Is it ok if I sit here?" He whispered to me. I didn't put down my brush to talk, though I looked over at him with a small-smile. The bruise that was on his jaw was gone, but a new bruise was around his eyes. Black eye. How did he get that one? I didn't bother to ask this time. "I don't care. It's not like you can sit any where else." How apathetic. He smiled quickly back,"Thanks."

Why would I have a problem with him sitting next me? He sat beside me on Friday, what difference does it make?

"Hey Scott, what happened at the graveyard last night?" I asked after school in the parking lot. Scott sat on his dirt bike while looking up at me,"Stiles told me that someone came and took a liver." I made a disgusted face,"Ew." He nodded with a soft laugh,"Yea I know."

"People are speculating that it was Lydia." Stiles said, jumping off the hood of his Jeep. Scott followed Stiles with his eyes,"You are speculating."

I put my hand over my mouth, acting shocked. "You. Questioning if Lydia left the hospital to steal a liver? are you coming down with something?" i asked, putting the back of my hand to his forehead to add an effect. Stiles crossed his arms over his chest in thought,"Just because I'm madly in love with her, doesn't make her a non-suspect." I nodded,"True."

Scott took the helmet off his bike and held it in his hands,"Whatever happens, we'll figure it out. We always do!" I giggled,"Trouble just finds us!"

Stiles faintly smiled, then he looked lost in a train of thought. "You two are a bunch of worry bugs! They'll find her, Stiles. Don't worry." I told him, not wanting to see him worried either. "We'll get her back, just wait." Scott softly said, putting the helmet on. He started the bike and revved it up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Stiles and I nodded, feeling the doubt of her coming back. "Good night." I said, waving a little as he left.

Once he was gone, I looked over at Stiles. His back was against the Jeep, his arm remained crossed. His brown eyes filled with concern and a type of pain that he usually has about Lydia. She's too distracted by Jackson to notice him.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now