Chapter Twenty-Two *Part 2*

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"Are you sure he's here?" I whispered, as I shuddered under my nightgown. My bare feet against the cold grass sent ripples of shivers up my spine.

"Of course, love. He's just up here." An eery voice cooed. I couldn't see anyone, but I knew that someone was with me.
Despite the nagging feeling in my chest, I kept walking. I walked deeper and deeper into the woods in a matter of seconds, with the voice as my guide.

The night was just as chilling and quiet as the body-less voice. That's when I realized it- the voice went silent. It was gone.

I froze in my place, a sudden alarm started to rise inside of me. I felt alone, even though I basically was to begin with.
I pushed through a shrub covered in razor-sharp thorns, which caught my nightgown. I was yanked back because of the tangled plant that seemed to want me to stay. I wriggled away into an opening and examined my clothes. The white fabric was turning a spoiled-brown colour and the ends were all torn.
I didn't let it stop me.
I looked ahead of myself and saw what looked like a pile of rubble. An old house.
There were mountains of old, burnt wooden planks and crumbling bricks. All that was standing was a basic frame; an arch way of stone and weakly-standing pieces of wood that formed walls. Obviously a huge fire ran through here.
I felt something strange. I felt a connection.

I stubbed my toe against a stone and I yelped quietly.
Suddenly, a stick cracked and I looked up.

To my surprise a hideous creature stood before me.
It looked human, but bone-skinny and pale. It's eyes were clouded white, almost the same shade as it's skin. It's shoulders were pointed because of how tight it's skin was. It's long fingers flicked at its side anxiously.
I've never seen anything like it.

I stumbled back and hit my back against a tree. I was trapped.
"Hello?" I called out in hopes that someone would hear and come help me. My fingers touched the rough bark.

The creature stepped closer to me, it cackled at my fear,"Hello, Aria."
A ripple of coldness tore through me. My neck hairs were standing on end.
"What do you want?" I whispered as I pushed harder against the tree. Out of desperation, I hoped that I could some how sink into the tree. But of course that wouldn't have worked.

It twitched several times, then looked straight into my eyes,"We want you Aria. Don't you want a family?" It almost sounded like it was mocking me.
I winced at how deep the tree bark was sinking in to my skin, but I didn't stop pressing more.
I shook my head to block out the chorus of words in my head. The monster was manipulating my brain.
I kept still and looked up at it, a tint of anger replaced my fear,"No."

It hissed at me and took a quick step forward.
The ember of anger blew out and I was scared out of my mind.
"Leave me alone!" I squealed with shut eyes.

It laughed again,"I'm sorry, Aria, but I've already made a deal. You're mine!"

I screamed as loud as I could.
I screamed,
And I screamed.

Suddenly, I heard a low growl from in the bushes next to me.
I froze and shuddered. I slowly turned my head in the direction of the growling.
Bright, blue eyes glowed through the foliage.

It got louder and louder, until finally something emerged from the bushes.

A tall, dark figure slowly walked into the moonlight. It was hunched over and puffs of white came out from its mouth and nose.

Once I saw its face, I relaxed.


He was shifted. The fangs, the blue eyes, the claws, all of it. None of it scared me. I was too used to it.

Derek snapped his fangs at the creature, but it stood its ground.

"Derek!" It hissed, almost showing fear.

Derek growled louder, as he made careful circles around the hideous creature. I could tell that he was making it nervous.
The jacket he was wearing almost hid his claws, but I could still see the shiny tips of them. His breathing was deep and angered.

"What are you doing here?" The almost-human questioned, I heard it quiver at the end.

Derek opened his mouth as far as he could and let out a deafening roar. His fangs looked sharper than ever.

Suddenly, a dark feeling swam over me, then it faded like a black shadow.
My eyes went wide and I started to coward. It felt like someone was screaming as loud as they could at me, full of rage and disgust.
My blood pressure sunk and I felt like I wasn't alive.

The creature suddenly disappeared and Derek stopped.
Once he looked at me, he unshifted. Concern swiped at his face.
"Aria, it's alright." Derek mumbled, as he rushed over to me.
Obviously the utter horror on my face was the reason for his concern.

Derek scooped me up and looked me in the eyes.
I couldn't look at him. My whole body was shaking. I suddenly didn't feel safe around him. I finally saw the monster he cut himself out to be.

I didn't yet know that he would be the one to save me from it all.



No, not birds, but whistling.

Someone's whistling. Right next to me. It's loud.

They stopped. Footsteps walking away. Stairs. Gone.

I'm alone.





Slowly, my eyes peel open. The light blinds me.
I'm not standing, but I am laying down. I feel a breeze, light but refreshing. Something smells bad- like bleach. It's rancid to my nose.
I wiggle my bare toes, then my fingers. I move my head to the side, but it hurts. My whole body is sore and exhausted. I need another full-body heal.
Finally, I feel my eyes adapt to my surroundings. I'm still in a basement- not a basement, but a cellar. It's not the same as before. There's no red box with a lightning bolt on it. I should be relieved, but I'm not. I've been moved. Whoever it is moved me to where he wanted. He hasn't won yet.
I yank on the chains around my ankles and the cuffs on my wrists, but no use. They're strong and silver. I can't get out of them. There's Mountain Ash spread in an even circle around the bed I'm in. I certainly can't get passed that.
I sit up with a certain shakiness throughout me. There may not be volts of electricity being shot into me, but it feels the same. I can still feel the hazy rhythm.

One, two, three. Pain.

I shake my head and try to ignore it, but when I do, a strand of blonde hair falls in front of my face. I freeze. The bleach. My hair.
My eyes widen and I take an uneasy hand to my hair. It feels different- it feels dead. It doesn't feel like my hair.
I pull at it; it's not a wig.
I catch movement in the corner of my eye. I turn and see myself. A mirror.
The mirror shows someone else. Bleach-blonde hair, just passed the shoulders. Brilliant, blue eyes. Pale skin. Shaken body.
This isn't me. I don't look like this. I've been transformed.

He kidnapped me. He chained me up and almost killed me with electricity. He gassed me unconscious. He shoved contacts into my eyes. He dyed and cut my hair.
Sure, gas me and try to kill me, but nobody messes with my hair.


Fury runs in my veins and mixes with my blood, it all burns and boils. I feel anxious, like I need to get out of these chains. I need to find Isaac. I need to tell Derek about the voice in my head. It's been far too long now, I should have just told him from the beginning. I still haven't told Stiles or Scott about Sirens- they know nothing at all, they don't even know that they exist.
I miss them all.
I don't know how long I've been taken for, but it feels like forever.
I need to see them all. Maybe not Allison, but Isaac, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek, Boyd, even Erica. I need to see my pack, for the sake of my inner-wolf.

I have to get out- now.

I pull harder against the chains. More and more energy is building inside of me. I use all of my anger and frustration to pry the links apart. They're strong, but my willpower is stronger.
I stop, out of breath and tired. I can't do it.
I can't.

Yes, you can, child. Think of what you have to live for, don't give up yet.

My eyes spark golden yellow and I yank even harder on the cuffs around my wrists. I hear a crack, then the material splits. My wrists are free.
I reach for the chains around my ankles, but I stop. My head spins and my body aches in pain. I need to heal quicker, but it won't work. Why won't it work?!

Relax. You're too stressed. Take a deep breath.

I do what it says and take a deep breath in, then I exhale slowly. I notice the bruises on my wrists fade, then they blend into my skin. It's working.
I close my eyes and clear my mind. Slowly and carefully, my bones start to feel movable.
My eyes burn. I wince, but realize what it is. The contacts.
I reach up to my eye and feel the weird material. It sticks to my finger. I ease the first one out, then I do the same for the other. Once they're both out, I toss them to the side and let the healing finish.

Alright, now give it a try.

I look at my ankles. The chains are even worse. They're more solid than the cuffs were. The chains are attached to the cement ground. There's no way.
I hesitate, but I begin to pull; this is my only way out.

I pull so hard that I strain my arms. The awkwardness of my body position doesn't help either. I forge on, but my willpower is running thin.
It feels like my hands are blistering and burning, but I try to ignore it. I start to huff and make frustrated noises. The chain isn't even budging.

I can't get out. I'm stuck here.

Stop. Don't think like that.
The voice is stern. But what can it do?

I scoff,"What's the point? I can't even get out of here." I stop all in all and cover my face with my hands.
I'm giving up. I'll have to wait it out. But who knows how long I'll be stuck down here? It feels like I haven't eaten for days. He'll starve me.
I'm going to die down here. I won't even be able to see Isaac again. Or Derek, Scott or Stiles. I'm going to die alone in some cellar.
I'll die a coward.

You have so much to live for. You have things that I never will.

I'm so overwhelmed that I can feel my chin quiver. I laugh bitterly,"What do I possibly have? I don't have parents and I can't even break this chain."
I sniffle and wipe a tear from my cheek.

You have love, child. You have life, I do not.

I shake my head,"Love. Who would love me?"

Derek does. Your friends Scott, Stiles and Lydia. Allison may be in a bad place right now, but friendship means more than that. Even that Isaac boy. You're all he has. He needs you to be strong and to keep going. I know that you can.

I always thought that I am all that Isaac has, but hearing it from someone else means even more.

Do it for them, but also, do it for yourself.

The voice is right. I can do it.

I take a deep breath and relax my muscles. Then, I use my hands to pull the chains from the floor. I use all my power and strength. I think about what the voice had said- love. It's more powerful than anything.
I find more strength and pull harder against the floor.
I feel something in the chain, but it's not broken yet.

Determined. Just like me.

I think about it. It seems like just a little word, but determination goes a long way.
I've always been told how determined I am.

My whole body is shaking from all of my efforts. But I'm not done yet.

Stubborn. Just like your father.

I am very stubborn. I never knew my father, but I know that he would be proud.


I know that I can be hot-headed and I get frustrated easily with certain things. That reminds me of Derek.

Strong. I know how strong you are, Aria.

It's right. All I've ever done is train. Derek showed me how to properly train since the beginning. He gave me all of his knowledge.

I am strong. I can do this.

I growl loudly and use the last of my strength. I hear a snap, then suddenly, a link in the chain flies across the room. I stop and look at my ankles. Now they're free too.
I did it.
I'm not chained anymore.
I unwrap the chains and drop them to the ground.

I slide off of the bed and press my feet against the cold, cement ground. I feel tingles shoot up my feet, but then they disappear. I stretch everywhere I can until I feel good.

I finally examine my clothes; I'm still in my black shirt and black spandex shorts. My shoes are beside the bed.
I quickly put them on my feet.

Good. He didn't change my clothes.

My eyes connect with the black powder spread all around me in a perfect circle. I can't pass through Mountain Ash as long as it's connected. However, if a breeze happens to scatter it, then it's fair game and I can slaughter that bastard for everything he's done.

I can feel that my werewolf blood is healthy and pumping strong again. My senses aren't dulled by elements and my body is fully repaired. I can still do this.

Now, call him down. You need to get out of this circle.

I nod and adjust my shirt.

"Hey, Ass-hat! Why don't you come and play?" I call, mockingly. I smirk and cross my arms over my chest.
I sure hope that he's still in.

My senses spike and I hear footsteps from the floorboards above. I've caught his attention.
I stand and wait.

Finally, his footsteps start to echo, then they stomp down the stairs. He turns the corner and looks at me.
He doesn't look angry, but yet he doesn't look happy either.

The man is wearing the same clothes as the last time I saw him. He doesn't look showered.

"What's the matter, Darling?"

I cringe, but don't make it noticeable. I raise my eyebrow and tilt my head up,"Many, many things."

He smiles and looks at the chains on the ground by my feet,"I see you don't like the chains. I didn't like them either. I couldn't love you with them on, now could I?"
He steps forward, but stays in his place. He's well aware of what I can do.

I narrow my eyes and impatiently tap my foot against the ground,"Why'd you do this? I'm not Bree."

What I said didn't seem to faze him,"I know that you've been asleep for quite some time, but I didn't think that you'd forget your own name." He lets out a laugh,"Are you sure that you remember my name?"

I snicker,"No, I'm not. How about you enlighten me?"

"Vince, of course. I'm sure you remembered that."
I shake my head,"No, sorry. Doesn't ring a bell."

I see a strange flicker in his eyes, like I'm not going along with his plan. Maybe if I use my superpower of stubbornness then he'll let me go and kidnap someone else? Sounds like a long shot.
He stays quiet.

I roll my eyes,"I'm not an idiot. You dyed and cut my hair and you put contacts in my eyes. Then you chained me up. C'mon, you could've at least taken me out for dinner first."
He lifts an eyebrow,"If that's what you want-"

"No, it's sarcasm, you douchebag!" I bark.

I take a step so that I'm closer to the Mountain Ash. I kneel down and turn my nose at it.
"Now, how about you let me out of here before I murder you?"

Vince sighs,"I thought that this would've gone so much smoother. If you would have played along, then I wouldn't have to do this."

I feel a stab of uncertainty, but I shove it away and study his every move.
Vince walks over to a shelf covered in cobwebs. Small jars fill the shelves around a small, metal container. He reaches up for it and brings it over to me.
He flips the lid open and shows me the contents.
A syringe and a bottle of Wolfsbane.

He flashes a smile and sets the container on a nearby surface, he mumbles to me,"She would've been all mine, your mother." He shrugs, but continues to work,"Well, it would have taken some convincing. If it hadn't been for that damn werewolf that destroyed every chance I had with her."

I sneer,"You never had a chance with her, you morbid bastard."

Vince ignores me and picks up the bottle. He sticks the syringe in it and draws out the liquid.
I cringe looking at it.

"Well, Aria, I don't know about that. You see, your mother was...well a bit of a whore."

I growl and lunge forward, but I stop myself because of the circle,"Shut your mouth!"

Vince chuckles, then turns his attention again,"Your father was just another casualty. She didn't love him, he didn't love her. I guess that you could say, you were only a mistake."

I look down at the ground. Derek always told me that my parents loved each other until they both died. He said that they were both good people and excellent werewolves; that's how I got my abnormal strength. I guess he only lied. But yet, Vince could be lying too.

He holds the syringe up to the light coming through a small window. The end of the sharp needle gleams. He smirks,"Looks like you're in a tight situation, Darling. Nobody can save you now."

It's feels like he smashed a lightbulb over my head. Of course! Why didn't I think of this before!

I give him a smug expression,"Wanna bet?"

Vince snickers,"Who's going to hear you?"

I wink, then plant my feet firm to the ground. My eyes flicker, my teeth grow and so do my claws. I snap them down at my sides and growl.
"My pack."
I open my mouth wide and roar for help. It's so loud that it hurts his ears. The sound echoes.
I can almost feel them responding. They're on the move.

Vince charges at me and pushes me against the wall,"You bitch!"
He clutches my wrists tightly, but since he's in the circle, he's in my territory.
I flip out of his grip and pick him up over my head. I throw him across the room and watch as he slams against the solid, concrete wall.
I glance down at the Mountain Ash. He stepped right on the perfect line. The boot print scattered the minerals just enough for the affects to wear off.
I smirk and lift my head high. I walk over to him, just like I've already won.
He scrambles back to get ahold of the syringe, but I kick it out of his hand. It skids across the floor.
Vince looks up at me with pure terror in his eyes. He knows what's coming.
He hits his back against the wall, then he laughs without any humour at all,"Look who's in a sticky situation now."

I lift him up by his collar and press him against the wall. He grimaces and shuts his eyes.
"I will always love you, Bree." He says, just as I raise my claw-armed hand.

My blood burns and boils. My fury raises until it can't anymore. It feels like a red veil is covering my eyes.
I give him one last look of disgust, then I slash his neck with my claws. I let go and watch as he sputters and grasps his neck for air. The blood rushes from the five gashes and drips to the floor. His body slumps against the floor, his eyes shut and I capture the last beat of his heart. He's dead.

I wipe my mouth and stare at his vacant body. The red, hot veil of hatred is lifted from my eyes, but my vision is still blurred. A light dizziness suddenly sets in. I loose my balance, so I grab the wall for support.
What's happening to me?

My eyes meet with the syringe. Could he have...?
I stumble over to it and drop to my knees. I pick up the syringe and examine it through a purple haze.
Its empty.
How did he....
He must've done it when I was against the wall, but the adrenaline blocked it.
That bastard.

I syringe slips from my hands and I listen to it shatter. It echoes and stings in my ears.
The room starts to spin. The whole world is doing the chimichanga.
I lower myself to the floor until I drop completely.
It feels like I have a splitting headache. My entire body is inflicted with pain. Then everything goes still. My senses numb all over again.
I weakly drag my claws against the floor. Five white marks appear in the concrete.
I'm loosing myself again.
The darkness is's setting in...

In the corner of my eye, I can see a dark figure.
It's him.

Now, my whole life is crashing down.

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